V:1 Chapter 5: Players & Pieces

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My plans for tonight got cancelled so I figured "hey why not update my fanfiction". As always I do Not own any of the characters or the story.


Last Time: all the newly formed groups were making their way to the northern part of the forest in their own ways.

This Time:

Blake and Yang make it to the temple to collect the relics. Walking up to one she notices that the relics are chess pieces. "Hmm, how about a cute little pony" Yang asks picking up the golden chess piece shaped like a horse. "Sure" Blake says rolling her eyes with a smile on her face. They meet back in the middle of the ruins facing each other. "That wasn't too hard" Yang says in a chipper voice. "Well it's not like this place is too hard to find" the bow wearing girls says. The two girls hear screaming then a "HEADSSS UPPPPP!!!" before looking up. the two girls see Ruby falling from the sky after she jumped off a giant Nevermore's back.

Jaune suddenly comes flying having been launched by a Death Stalker and crashes into Ruby sending them both into a tree. Ruby can be seen with stars circling her head with swirls where her eyes should be. "What was that?" she asks before composing herself. "Hey Ruby" Jaune says as he hangs upside down from a branch next to her. "Did you sister just fall from the sky?" Blake asks her partner as they stand there looking at where the two others landed. "I--" Yang starts to reply before an Ursa bursts through the trees swinging it's arms back and forth before collapsing. "Yee-Haww!" Nora says as she is seen sitting on the back of the creature. "Awh, it's broken" Nora says as she gets up and examines the dead creature while Ren comes out of the forest behind her. "Nora, please don't ever do that again" the boy says while out of breath.

He quickly looks around as Nora is missing and a dotted outline shows where she used to be. "Ooohhhh!" the energetic orange haired girl says as she is now at the ruins examining the golden rook chess piece. "I'm queen of the castle, I'm queen of the castle" she sings a few times before Ren calls her in an annoyed tone. Saluting the girl turns with the piece on her head and says "Coming Ren" before skipping back to him. "Did that girl just ride in on an Ursa" Blake asks. Once again Yang starts to answer before getting interrupted by Pyrrha running in with the Deathstalker on her trail. The giant scorpion swiped at Pyrrha as she jumps through it's pincer like a boss and rolling out of the way of another strike. "Jaune" she calls noticing her partner. "Pyrrha" Jaune calls still upside down in a tree. "Woah" Ruby says as she runs and leaps out of the tree. "Ruby" the stuck blonde boy calls after her.

Rolling to a stop Ruby lands right next to her sister outside the ruins. "Ruby" Yang says, "Yang" ruby says back before they both go in for a hug. The hug never came though because Nora pops up in between them and says her own name. "Did she just run all the way here with a DeathStalker on her tail" Blake asks as Yang can be seen getting more annoyed. An explosion goes off behind the annoyed blonde as she screams "I can't take it any more. could everyone just chill out for like two seconds before something crazy happens again" annoyed with being interrupted. Ren jogs up to the group out of breath as a ticking sound can be heard in the background. A ding sounds as Ruby pulls her sisters sleeve and points up. "Um, Yang" the younger girls says as Weiss can be seen hanging from the Nevermore's talon. "How could you leave me?" the white haired girl calls down to Ruby. "I said Jump" Ruby calls back. "She's going to fall" Blake says in an even voice. "She'll be fine" ruby responds, "She is falling" Ren says as Weiss can be seen falling from the sky. Jaune seeing this as an opportunity to impress her jumps from the tree to try and catch her. "Just dropping in" Jaune asks catching her bridal style before realizing they are still in the air and quickly falling the rest of the way. Weiss lands on his back and starts checking her nails saying "My hero" in a sarcastic voice. "My back" he replies in a pained manner.

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