V:1 Chapter 7, Jaundice

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Last Time:

After a verbal altercation with Weiss Ruby is left feeling distraught until she has a talk with professor Ozpin.  At the same time Weiss is talking with Professor Port who makes her see the error in what she did/said.  Bart helps cheer Ruby up before Ruby goes back to the Dorm and Bart goes on a run at super speed to clear his head.  Weiss later apologizes to Ruby and Bart.

This Time:

Bart's POV:

It's been a couple weeks since school started and I'm currently in Professor Goodwitch's combat class watching Jaune go against Cardin in a one-on-one duel.  I'm sitting in between Ruby and Yang with Blake and Weiss on the other side of the two girls and the rest of team JNPR in the seats behind us.  'We've made really good progress as a team so far.  Weiss is trying to be more understanding and I get along with Yang, Blake, And Ruby wonderfully.' Bart thinks to himself as he watches Jaune try to attack Cardin.  'If he dodges to the left he would create an opening to attack... and he missed it.  I still need to tell the team the truth about my past, I should probably tell Team JNPR too since I'm also really close with them.  I just haven't found the right time. maybe today after class' Bart continues to think to himself.  

3rd person POV:

We now see Jaune slumped over out of breath as Cardin rests his mace on his shoulder.  Panting, Jaune lets out a groan making Cardin laugh.  "Come on" Jaune says encouraging himself before running at his opponent and swinging his sword over his head.  Cardin Side steps the attack before twirling and hitting Jaune away with his weapon making Jaune's shield go sliding away from him.  Picking himself up the blonde boy grabs his sword with both hands and rushes Cardin again.  Cardin raises his mace and blocks the over head attack before pushing Jaune's sword away.  "This is the part where you loose" Cardin says intimidatingly.  "Over my dead-" Jaune before grunting in pain as Cardin knees him in the stomach.  Staggering back Jaune falls to his side leaving himself open.  His opponent takes the opportunity to raise his mace above his head preparing to deliver a powerful blow.  

Just before Cardin releases his attack a buzzer sounds ending the battle.  "Cardin, that's enough." Professor Goodwitch says stepping into the ring.  "Students, as you can see Mr. Arc's aura has fallen into the red.  had this been a tournament style duel, Jaune would no longer be fit for battle and that the official may call the match." she continues as Jaune looks to the side upset and Pyrrha looks on clearly thinking of something.  "Mr. Arc, it's been weeks now.  Please try to refer to your scroll during combat.  Gauging your aura will help you decide when it's appropriate to attack and when it is better to move to a more defensive strategy" The teacher says as Jaune looks at his scroll as his aura is shown blinking red.  

"We wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a Beowolf, now would we?" Glynda continues now looking at the boy still on the ground.  "Speak for yourself" Cardin says making Bart growl in anger.  "Remember everyone, the Vytal festival is only a few months away, it won't be long before students from other kingdoms start arriving in Vale.  So keep practicing!" Glynda says as team RWBBY except from Bart who doesn't know what it is can be shown getting excited.  "Those who choose to compete in the combat tournament will be representing all of Vale." The teacher finishes as the bell can be heard ringing.  Pyrrha looks on at her team leader sadly as Jaune just hangs his head in shame.  

----Location, Beacon Cafeteria---

Team RWBBY and JNPR were sitting at a lunch table as Nora is telling a story.  Bart unlike his usual self hasn't touched his food as instead he watches team CRDL from a distance approach a girl with brown bunny ears on her head.  Bart unable to keep his distain for the bully inside is tapping his fingers on his leg rapidly unnoticed from the others. "So there we were, in the middle of the night" Nora says slowly for dramatics.  "It was day" Ren says simply, correcting the hyper girl.  "We were surrounded by Ursa" she continues.  "They were Beowolf's" Ren once again corrects her.  "Dozens of them!" Nora shouts standing up.  "Two of 'em" Ren says with a sigh.  "But in the end, Ren and I took them down and made a boat load of Lien selling Ursa skin Rugs" Nora says finishing the story.  Weiss can be seen filing her nails not paying attention as Pyrrha and Ruby looks at Jaune sadly.  "She's been having this recurring dream for about as month now" Ren says after letting out a sigh.  

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