V:2 Chapter 10, No breaks

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So I figured I would just put this first.  I do plan on continuing this book but next weeks chapter is the end of volume 2.  I will be taking a break from this book for a while because I want to start working on some other stuff but I will come back to this.  I won't leave this hanging for too long, probably just a few months or however long it takes to finish another in progress book I'm writing that is wrapping up soon. With that being said I hope you enjoy this weeks chapter


 Last Time:

Ruby in the middle of the night follows Zwei out into the empty streets only to find the base to the white fang. On her way back to inform the other the street beneath her collapses. She fell to the underground city beneath where the white fang had been hiding out. Without her weapon she was captured and brought to Roman Torchwick. Zwei goes to alert the others and they get ready to go underground after her.

This Time:

Ruby was thrown to the ground in front of Roman. "Wow, you are much more manageable without that oversized garden tool you use" Roman says chuckling. Ruby rushes forward for an attack but Roman side steps and uses his cane to push her over. "Oh man, you know Perry. I really needed this" Roman says over his shoulder.

Perry didn't respond only offering a thumbs up. "But seriously, how'd you find this place red?" Roman asks crouching to the young girl's level. Ruby lets out a growl before using her semblance to try and get away. In a blur of red with a trail of rose petals Ruby takes off running in the direction she came from. "Woah" Roman exclaims as he turns to see her running.

Twirling the cane in his hand he points the curved part at Ruby before it jets out and snags her hood like a grappling hook. Ruby is then dragged back towards the criminal on her back. "I see you got some tricks up your sleeve. Let me make one thing clear though. We are not through here yet" he growls out.

Just as he finishes saying that a loud bang followed by the ground shaking grabs their attention. "Ugh Perry, if you and the boys could take care of that. I'm kind of in the middle of something" Roman says turning to the three standing behind him. They nod and make their way towards the noise guns at the ready. Another rumble accompanied by a loud bang ringing through the cavern.

"What is going on?" Roman shouts out Turning to the direction of the sound. Down the empty street there is an explosion visible from around the corner of a building. White Fang members come running from that direction fleeing whatever is causing this carnage. Roman and Ruby squint their eyes to see what is coming only to see a red blur. That red blur rushes forward and incapacitates the white fang members before coming to a stop.

Standing there is Bart but his entire body is vibrating making the only identifying feature his glowing red eyes. Walking forward at a normal speed now lightning arcs off his body connecting with the structures around him. Behind him is the rest of team RWBBY along with doctor Oobleck and Zwei. Roman growls and Ruby decided to take this opportunity to jump on Romans Sholders and push his hat down blinding him. She then takes off running off to meet up with her team. "Somebody kill her" Roman calls out as he shoots explosive rounds at Ruby. The white fang members around him all pick up their weapons and follow his lead.

Ruby dodges left and right dodging the attacks as she makes her way down the road. Seeing this Roman growls again and bends his cane to the point it almost snaps. Turning to one of the white fang members gaining his attention. "Attach this car and spread the word. We're starting the train" Roman says. "But we're not finished" The member says. "Do it or you're finished" Roman growls out using his cane to pin the guy to the train car.

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