"Y/n it's just me. It's Wanda." Her voice sounds hoarse. Has she been crying?

I slowly open my eyes allowing them to adjust to the light, as they dart around the room to try and identify where I am because I am most definitely not in Tony's office anymore. I hear a rapid beeping and turn my head to look at a machine, a heart monitor, I'm in a hospital. How the fuck did I get here? What the fuck is going on? The last thing I remember is, is my wife staring at me with those lifeless eyes. I look up to see Wanda's worried eyes on mine, she hasn't moved since I opened mine, she hasn't attempted to touch me, her hands on the railing of the hospital bed. It must have been her hands I pushed away. I slap my lips together swallowing saliva to try and wet my throat and lips.

"Can I touch you Y/n?" My throat is too dry and sore to reply so I just nod my head rapidly.

Wanda stands from the hospital chair, slowly placing her left hand on my right hand. She doesn't hold it, or try and squeeze it, she just rests her palm on the back of my hand. The instant I felt the skin on skin contact I let out a shaky breath, my bottom lip quivering as my eyes filled with tears as they looked at Wanda's tear stained cheeks, her red and puffy eyes. But she was smiling, it wasn't a fake 'try to make you feel better' smile. This smile was real. It was genuine. It gave me the strength to turn my hand in hers, our palms coming into contact with one another as I slide my fingers in the gaps between hers and squeeze it. Holding on with all I am. 

Wanda let's out an small laugh, as she bites her lip to contain the huge smile trying to grow on her face. Her eyes darting down to look at our hands, they glisten a little at the sight before they look back up into mine. 

"Hi baby." Her voice is soothing, I could fall asleep listening to her talk, the hoarseness is still there but I'm way too distracted by her smile to notice.

"Hi…" The words get stuck in my throat as I cough at how dry it is.

Before I can even ask, Wanda leans over to the table next to my bed, her free hand picking up the cup as she holds the straw between two fingers and places it between my lips. I take a few big sips, and it hurts more as it goes down my throat then when it was just dry. Because that makes sense. After I have finished off the cup, Wanda pulls the straw from between my lips placing the cup back down on the table. Her other hand remained in mine the whole time.

"Hi princess." She smiles widely as a few tears fall down her cheeks.

"Hey my sweet girl. I love you so much." Wanda's free hand comes up to cup my cheek, instantly I tilt my head leaning into the touch. 

"Did I black out?" 

"You did baby, yeah. You kept repeating yourself and me and Natasha couldn't even get you to look at us or even hear us. So Natasha went to get Stark, who phoned your sister who then told us to phone your therapist. And while all that was happening you collapsed in my arms and I was on the phone to 911." 

"Sounds very dramatic even for me." Wanda laughs and I beam up at her when I hear it. 

"Even though that's funny, it's not the time for jokes." Her eyebrows almost touch as they scrunch with worry, her eyes filling with new tears. "You scared me baby. I didn't know what to do, nothing I was doing was working." 

"Hey, hey." I squeeze her hand, bringing my other one up to hold hers against my cheek more. "There was nothing you could have done." 

"There has to be something I could have done. Baby you looked so helpless and I felt awful not being able to help you." 

"Princess come here for me." I shuffle my body to the left side of the bed patting the small space I created.

Wanda raises her eyebrows at me but easily follows my directions, carefully placing her body next to mine. Her body is positioned higher than normal as her head rests at the top of my arm looking down at my chest as her right hand draws random shapes. Her left one is still holding mine as our arms connect with each other. Wanda looks up at me through her eyelashes, I am just looking at her taking in the sight of the red-headed goddess next me. The very same goddess who is looking after me, making sure I'm okay, making sure she knows how to help in the future.

Just Us - Wanda Maximoff x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now