35: The Discussion

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"YAY! I WON!♡" Mitsuri exclaims happily over her victory.

Kyōjurō shook his head, coming out of his reverie, and stared at his arm which is still pinned underneath hers. He blinked once, then twice, before realizing that he'd lost the arm wrestling match.

"Oh, hello there (Name)-chan!~❀" Greeted Shinobu upon noticing you in the doorway as everyone turned their attention towards you.

"Hi.. Umm...What's going on?" You asked, looking on in confusion.

After leaving your little private meeting with Ubuyashiki-sama, you went looking for Kyōjurō and the others. Upon hearing commotion coming from another room, you went to investigate and walked in on what appeared to be an arm wrestling match between Kyōjurō and Mitsuri. The sight of the two Hashira engaged in such a lighthearted activity took you by surprise.

"Your "Romeo" here, just lost to Kanroji-chan." Uzui tells you.

"Kanroji-chan wanted Rengoku-san to prove to her just how strong his love for you is. So, she challenged him to an arm wrestling match." Shinobu explained.

"And I won, which means you have to buy me a strawberry Ramune, Kyōjurō-senpai!" Mitsuri says, doing a victory pose. Her bright smile and playful tone filled the room with a sense of joy and camaraderie.

Kyōjurō eventually sighed in defeat, before giving a warm smile at her enthusiasm, knowing he couldn't resist her request. He admired Mitsuri's competitive spirit and how she always managed to bring a sense of fun to even the most mundane tasks.

"Alright, but my love for my beloved (name) still remains strong and true!" He grins before standing and sauntering over to you.

"However, I would've won if I didn't get distracted by my lovely Snow Flower's beauty." Kyōjurō says, standing behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Hey now, don't go blaming your failures on poor (Name)-chan." Uzui rolled his eyes playfully.

You still had no clue as to what they were talking about as Kyōjurō tightened his hold around your waist before leaning down to rest his chin against your shoulder affectionately, making you feel just a tiny bit uncomfortable with everyone around you watching. His warm breath tickled your skin, and you could feel the weight of his presence beside you, offering a sense of protection that you hadn't realized you needed until now.

"Just admit you loss fair and square." Sanemi grumbled.

Kyōjurō simply ignored them as he kissed you on the cheek and hugged you even tighter.

"Well, if it's for you, I don't mind at all. I'll accept defeat if it means I get to hold you like this." Kyōjurō tells you, making your face hot.

The sincerity in his voice was undeniable, and you couldn't help but feel a rush of affection towards him. With each passing moment, you found yourself drawn closer to him, cherishing the closeness that you shared in that fleeting instant. At the sight of you two, everyone fell silent; however, Sanemi couldn't help but suck his teeth in annoyance.

"Seriously you two, go get a fucking room!"


After spending nearly all day at the Ubuyashiki Manor, chatting and hanging out with everyone, you and Kyōjurō decided to head back home. As you walked along the path leading to his house, the sky began to change colors, with hues of pink and orange painting the horizon. The gentle breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers, adding a touch of sweetness to the air.

The walk had been silent for the most part as you felt Kyōjurō's lingering stare on you. You knew he wanted to ask you something as you kept your gaze solely on the ground. The weight of his unspoken words hung heavily in the air, creating a sense of tension between the two of you. You could feel his eyes burning into the side of your face, silently urging you to meet his gaze and address the unspoken question that hung between you like a thick fog.

"Soooo~" Kyōjurō soon drawls out. "What did Oyakata-sama wanted to talk to you about?" He asked.

You feel a sudden wave of nervousness wash over you, causing your shoulders to tense up as you nervously twiddle your thumbs. "Err... umm, he wanted to discuss something," you stammer out, trying to keep your voice steady despite your growing unease.

"Discuss what?" He raised a forked brow in question.


Not liking your silence, Kyōjurō stopped walking and turned to you, a concerned look on his face. "What's wrong, my sweet flame? You know, you can always tell me," he reassured you, his gentle voice filled with sincerity.

As you glanced at him, you could see the genuine care and affection in his eyes, making you feel comforted and safe in his presence.

"Well..." You started, "H-how would you feel... If I joined the Demon Slayer Corps?" You asked.

As quickly as the words left your mouth, Kyōjurō's expression slowly became aggrieved as his brows furrowed. It was clear he was displeased as you immediately reached up and took his face in your hands. You could see the conflict in his eyes, the worry etched on his face as he struggled to find the right words to respond.

"I'm sorry Kyō, please don't be upset! Ani─ I mean Ubuyashiki-sama was only making a suggestion and I told him that I needed sometime to think it over and discuss it with you first." You explained, before hugging him, your head against his shoulder.

"Please, don't be mad." You say softly.

Immediately, you felt Kyōjurō relax and wrap his strong arms around you, protectively as he gave a deep sigh.

"Is that what you want?" He asked softly.

You slowly lifted your head up to glance at him. His expression was earnest, yet calm.


"Do you desire to become a demon slayer?" He asked once more, his tone now more stern.

You blinked once, then twice, uncertain of how to respond. The weight of his question settling heavily upon your shoulders. The choice was yours to make, a decision that could change the course of your life entirely. However, you wanted─no, you needed to know his opinion on the matter first?

"I..." You started, "I want to hear your opinion first?" You asked.

The air between you two was charged with anticipation as you awaited his response. His gaze was unwavering, and you could sense the gravity of the decision looming over you. You knew that whatever his opinion was, it would greatly influence your own choice in the matter.

⎣Demon Slayer: Yōkai Wife⎤ [雪花] |Kyōjurō Rengoku x Yuki-onna!Reader|Where stories live. Discover now