"No were not, We're talking to Ranboo about lego" Tubbo mumbles before yawning. 

"You suck" Tommy responds, annoyed.

The drive falls into usual argument between the two boys.

"Look what you've started" Wil sighs stopping at a red light. 

"Better then silence" George chuckles. 

"Right" The drive comes to an end as they finally pull into the parking of the Diner, The familiar cars of their former friends were parked close by. George takes a deepbreath as Tommy and Tubbo race into the diner. 

"Ready? It's not to late to leave if your not" Wil offers a comforting smile, tapping on the bottom on the wheel. 

"I think it's long overdue" George shrugs.

"Just incase it goes to shit, take the keys so you can leave" Wil chuckles placing the keys in Geogres palm. 

"Thanks" George chuckles getting out of the car. 

Wilbur and George slowly follow the path, going up the stairs to the front of the 70's themed diner. Georges eyes falling on the familiar group, walking toward them, newfound confidence in how much he missed them. 

"George... You're actually here" Sapnap deadpanes.

"Yeah, And I'm gonna say this while I can because this adrenaline is gonna die fast, I blamed you guys for shit you had no control of, you guys said bad crap, we all fucked up and we need to move on because there's no reason for this petty shit to ruin everything that made my life worth living and- Wheres Clay?" George cuts himself off, noticing the missing blonde.

 "He- uh" Sapnap falls speechless along with Majority of the group. 

"He thought you didn't want him here, he didn't want to annoy you anymore then he already has or whatever" Karl finally speaks up, using air quotes on the last part. George takes a deepbreath closing his eyes. 

"I'm sorry we tried to talk some sense-" Bad is cut off by George storming out of the diner. 


"You said don't give up, so I'm not" George calls out before jogging to the car, starting it up as fast as possible, Sapnap and Dreams house wasn't far from the diner, hence why they went so often. He quickly sped through te streets, slightly frustrated at the blonde. He was ripping himself apart fo talk to him again and he didn't even show up when given the chance. What the fuck was up with him? 

He finally pulls into the driveway of the familiar house he had been to more times then he could count.  Jogging up the front stairs before slamming his fist against the door several times, waiting impatiently, filing with his hands. The door finally opening to reveal an extremely tired and evidentally overworked blonde. 

"George?" Dream whispers in shock, clearly at a loss for breath and words. 

"Why the fuck didn't you show up" George says frustration lacing his tone. 

"I didn't think you wanted me to, I mean I ruined your life" Dream sighs, dropping his eyes to the floor, breaking the eye contact they formed the second he opened the door. 

"Of course I wanted you to, I said everyone, I'm sick of seeing you fall apart because of this bullshit, I'm not worth you breaking Clay so when I say show up you fucking show up" George retorts, frustrated, more at himself for causing the conflict in the first place. 

"You're worth everything and I hate that you cant see that" Clay whispers falling against the door frame, meeting Georges eyes. 

Georges frustrated seemed to fade away, his eyes softening as he notices the tears in Clays eyes. 

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