Head Scratches

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"I'm sorry Wanda, I mean it's just too easy sometimes. Honestly, I bet Y/n can turn you to putty without even doing much." Natasha raises her bottle to her lips taking a sip.

"No it won't be that easy. I bet Wanda has some control in the room." I raise my eyebrows at Sharon, as Wanda grumbles next to me a little more.

"Alright bet." Natasha holds her hand out to strike a deal with Sharon. "If Y/n can turn Wanda to putty then I get to chuck you in the pool, if she can't you get to chuck me in." 

"But Y/n can't speak, no dirty talk." Sharon counters Natasha's offer, I laugh along at the antics as Wanda slumps in her chair more.

"I'm right here guys." Wanda waves her arms in front of everyone. 

"We know. But we don't care." Natasha is brutally honest. "Fine deal."

Sharon and Natasha shake hands but before anything can start the boys come running up the decking towels wrapped around their bodies.

"Me, Billy and Nat are going to get changed. Is it okay if we play the Nintendo switch in Yelena's room? It's a bit cold out here and Nat is getting a little tired." 

"Of course you can boys just keep your wet bodies off my bed please." Yelena demands as they walk inside.

"Nathaniel, we will go after I finish this drink okay buddy." He gives me a small nod as he rubs his eyes tiredly. 

"You guys could always stay the night if you want, if it's easier." Natasha suggests. "I mean I'm sure Wanda doesn't mind sharing the bed with you and the boys can sleep in the basement, which has a few pull out beds for other guests. Don't worry, it's all heated and clean down there." 

"I don't know." I rub the back of my neck not sure if Wanda would be comfortable with sharing her bed when the boys are just downstairs from us.

"Please dorogoy." I see Wanda's puppy eyes and know I can't say no.

"Let me just check with my dad." I say as I bring my phone out of my pocket clicking his contact name so I can facetime him.

Clint: Hey kiddo!

Me: Hey Dad. How was your evening with mom?

Clint: It was great. No kids, no stress. Very relaxing…

Me: Okay TMI, by the way you are on speakerphone. 

Clint: Oh well hello invisible friends of Y/n's. Wait, where is my son?

There is a chorus of hello from the other woman around the table making me laugh a little.

Me: Don't worry he is inside getting changed and playing with Wanda's boys.

Clint: Oh good. Now not that I don't like hearing from you, but why are you calling?

Me: Okay rude, much? But I was just calling to check if you were cool with Nathaniel staying the night here at Natasha's and I will bring him back around noon tomorrow all fed and watered.

Clint: Y/n he is not a dog.

Me: Never said he was.

Wanda: She called him baggage earlier Mr Barton!

I give Wanda a glare but all she does is smirk at me taking a sip of wine from her glass.

Clint: Y/n, come one now.

Me: Hey in my defence he is tiny and super light weight. He could class as my carry on.

Clint: I mean you're not wrong, but you didn't hear me say that.

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