I turn around to search the backyard for the other two boys taking in the sight of Yelena chasing Sharon as she vaults over a plant pot or two showing off the skills Shield has obviously taught her as she avoids heavy fire from the young Russian. I also see Wanda, who has been cornered by Natasha, holding her hands in front of her face to try and stop the water as she laughs that gorgeous angelic laugh of hers. I pull my eyes away from watching Wanda, looking over to where I see Billy and Nathaniel running towards Wanda to go and help her. I smirk as I vault over the railing landing in front of them causing screams of horror to leave their mouths as they slide to a complete stop in front of me.

"Go Nathaniel!" Nathaniel darts back the other way as Billy holds up his hands waving them in the air. 

I stop all my movements like he has got me in his trap, frozen on the spot. His eyes widen slightly as he looks at his hands then back to me with a smirk. His smirk drops when my hand twitches, the gun moves ever so slightly upwards as the water makes contact with his face.

"I'm too powerful to be stopped by you Wiccan!" 

"Wiccan?" He tilts his head, wow he is just like his mother.

"Uh, yeah just came up with it now. Like you're some form of wizard with what you were doing with your hands."

"Oh cool. I like that." 

"Good because it's sticking."

"Does Tommy have a nickname?" As I'm about to answer I realise he is just trying to distract me so I shoot his forehead one more time.

"Don't distract me." He laughs at me as I scoot past his body searching the backyard for Nathaniel, smiling when I see his small body behind a tree. 

I take quiet steps till I'm close enough to the tree to get the rascal. I see his hand move to his mouth as he tries to hold his breath, obviously sensing that I'm close, but it's too late for him because I jump around and start shooting at his body. He shrieks as he runs back towards the other people who all stop their movements when they hear a very horrific scream only laughing when they realise it's Nathaniel being very dramatic. They all laugh as I wrap my arms around him instead of shooting him with water, and he kicks his legs around and he screams to the twins for help.

They make their way over to me trying to pry my arms open to allow Nathaniel to escape. I quickly bend down to place Nathaniel on the ground, as he turns to run away I quickly grab the twins wrapping my arms around their bodies so I can hold one under each arm. Damn they are heavier than I expected. So I don't drop them on the floor. I quickly make my way to the edge of the pool that is in the backyard and the boys look up at me in pure horror. I turn to Wanda to make sure it's okay to chuck them in, and as soon as I get a small nod I take a few steps back running towards the pool. As I jump I let go of the boys making sure to push their bodies away from me so we don't end up colliding as we go underwater. 

I bring my head up below the surface of the water, as the boys make their way to me pushing me back under. I flail my hands while under grabbing a leg of one of the boys, I hear a muffled scream from underwater as I pull the body under with me and push myself off the bottom of the pool so I come to the surface. I see Tommy above the surface so it was Billy I dragged under, I wait until he pops back above the surface before I swim towards Tommy who makes a quick swim towards the stairs. 

Tommy manages to get out of the pool, running towards Wanda and the other woman who have been watching this whole thing go down with Nathaniel standing there, his small body wrapped in a fluffy towel as his lips have a tiny hint of blue, he must have been standing still for too long. Instead of continuing the chase with Tommy, I stop and turn to Nathaniel even though we are having fun I can't let my little brother die of hypothermia.

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