Preferences - How Long They Wait To Propose

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How Long They Wait To Propose:

2 and a 1/2 years.
He would've asked sooner but, always had it in his head that he had to wait for the perfect moment. Then he got fed up with waiting and made the moment himself, perfect.

8 months.
It took him two weeks to see that he could see a future with you and then spent the rest of the time saving up for the perfect ring.

4 years.
He wanted to make sure that you two were focused on your careers first before going down that path and stressing you out with organising a wedding.

John B:
3 months.
When John B knows, he knows. He knew that he would one day marry you when he first made eye contact with you when you were both seven.

5 years.
As you two were always travelling to help out with as many charities as possible around the world, you two never really discussed the idea of marriage. However, she has always known that she would one day marry you.

2 weeks.
When you two had met at the age of twelve, she proposed to you in the second week of knowing you. Even though you both didn't take it that seriously, it was the beginning of your ever lasting bond and she then proposed to you again when you were both in your twenties.

4 and a 1/2 years.
Working as many jobs she could, she spent four and a half years saving up for the perfect ring, a house for you two and then had money left over for a small wedding ceremony.

7 years.
Being high school sweethearts who were always on and off, Barry wanted to wait until you were both ready maturely before proposing.

12 years.
As you two started dating when you were both really young, he wanted to wait until you were both 23, which was the age he promised, before getting down on one knee.

1 and a 1/2 years.
Kelce has had the engagement ring stashed in his sock drawer since the first month of you two dating but, wanted to wait until you went on your holiday that you two had saved up for.


I've been meaning to get back into writing again! I'm so sorry that I suck at this. I've just been getting really into the gym and reading the Avery series by J Bree.

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