Preferences - What It's Like Dating Them

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What it's like dating them:

- He will ask for constant reassurance that he's doing enough
- His main goal is to make you proud of him
- He's overprotective but, has good intentions
- Once he falls, he falls hard and he would do anything to make you smile
- He is very strong on PDA and he needs to feel your skin against his all the time
- Buys you flowers once a week
- Loves being the smaller spoon
- Due to his height, he loves giving you kisses on your forehead
- He loves showing you off at parties and when a girl starts flirting with him, he interrupts them and starts talking about how incredible you are
- Buys you expensive gifts to show you how much he loves you and on your one year anniversary, he bought you an expensive promise ring and said he is going to marry you because you're "the one".

- Requires reassurance every now and then
- He is a hopeless romantic and it didn't take him long for him to say he loves you
- He might not be the greatest boyfriend at times but he is trying
- He can't sleep unless he is cuddling you
- Loves holding your hand or wrapping his arm around you when you walk around town
- Takes you on spontaneous dates
- Teaches you how to surf and now you have surf dates
- Calls your parents by their first names and they love him
- He is very cheeky especially when you two are around the pogues
- Has a thing for touching your butt

- He will constantly put you on a pedestal
- He was shy with you at first but eventually showed his mischievous side
- Googles pick up lines to tell you every day
- He loves showing you how to do science experiments that he has learnt from YouTube
- Your favourite past time thing to do together is to sit and read books
- Loves peppering your face with kisses
- Doesn't like PDA but he must be touching you at all times
- He buys you two matching pyjamas
- When you first started dating, he went out and bought things you might need if you ever slept over and forgot to bring it with you
- You're the dominant one in the relationship

John B:
- His way of showing his love to you is through songs and he made you a playlist of love songs
- He can't sleep at night unless he is holding your hand
- He loves playing with your hair and even tries to braid it at times, even though he isn't the greatest at it
- Loves PDA
- He is protective over you
- Gets along with your friends even when he doesn't like some of them
- He will take photos of things that remind him of you throughout his day and send it to you
- Constantly talks to his friends about how incredible you are that his friends have bitched to you about it
- Used the money he saved up to buy you a bracelet with his initial and a little twinkie on it.
- Will show up at your work just to say he loves you

- Buys you flowers whenever you're sad
- Loves stealing your clothes
- If she isn't next to you to fall asleep, she'll be on the phone to you
- Buys you a turtle necklace with her initial on it
- Has a thing for holding your hand in public
- Your families get along well and have dinner together on Sunday's
- Loves talking to you about the environment
- Very touchy when you two are alone but when in public, she'll only hold your hand and kiss your cheek every now and then
- Overprotective at times
- Her wallpaper on her phone is a photo of you holding a baby turtle

- Goes all out on special events when it comes to presents for you
- Her family absolutely adore you
- Was a bit hesitant at first but slowly got better overtime
- Reminds you a million times a day that she loves you
- Spontaneous adventures
- Buys you a puppy for your birthday one year and now you two are it's parents
- Sends you long good morning texts when she doesn't stay over
- She learnt how to cook so she could bring you breakfast in bed
- You two binge watch a lot of tv shows like TVD, TW and so on
- Will give you back tickles until you fall asleep

- Gets you a matching knife to hers
- She was a bit hesitant with PDA at first but now she loves giving you kisses and holding you out in public
- Writes you love notes to wake up to
- Pretty much lives at your house and is around you 24/7
- Never fails to make you feel loved
- She requires reassurance due to her past
- Very open with communication
- She googles jokes to tell you
- She goes out of her way to take you on a date at least once a week
- You two have a prank war going on

- He acts all tough in public but when you two are alone, he wants cuddles 24/7
- Ends up quitting the drug life for you
- Will travel oceans to make you smile
- Saves his money to take you to places that he thinks you'd like
- Tries his best to not be a softy in public but always fails
- Always makes you laugh
- Serenades you to songs he makes up in his head with his guitar
- He wrote you a song for your one year anniversary
- He doesn't say I love you all the time but he shows you in different ways that he loves you
- He will stop what he's doing at times and just kiss you because "his lips needed to feel yours"

- Very overprotective
- Requires reassurance as he has trust issues
- Requires to be cuddled a fair amount each day or "he will die" < what he says all the time
- He loves spoiling you and taking you out to dinner
- He swears he's going to marry you
- He bought you your very own golf set as a way for you to play golf with him
- Will do anything you ask of him
- He takes you on the family vacation every year
- Extremely loyal
- He laughs at your jokes even when they're not that funny

- He takes you on cute picnics down by the beach
- Drags you along to every party he's invited to and shows you off as his girl
- He loves PDA
- Knows that you have trust issues and reassures you daily
- He tried his best to cook you breakfast in bed for your one month anniversary but almost burnt the house down in the process
- He was the one who wanted to wait a while before getting intimate in the bedroom
- He says he hates wearing the matching Christmas sweaters you two wear every year but secretly loves every second of it
- Loves having you sit on his lap when he's with the boys
- You get along really well with his friends and family
- He will drive and get you snacks at 1am if you asked


I have so many ideas on what to do with preferences! I can't wait to show you all!

Thank you for reading 🤍

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