Oh yeah, and that, she loves to call me baby now and I love it every time she does. It makes my heart beat likes it's trying to escape the prison behind my rib cage, my stomach flip like I'm on a fucking roller coaster at the same time as feeling like a zoo is on the lose. I could never get bored of that feeling. 

I head down to the garage, choosing to take the G-wagon so I can take anyone home if needed but also have plenty of room for the water guns in the back. As I pull out and onto the road Clint's name pops up on the onboard screen, so I accept the call.

Me: Hey Dad, to what do I owe the pleasure?

Clint: I have a huge favour to ask.

Me: Go ahead.

Clint: Me and Laura kind of forgot to get someone to look after the child today, and I was wondering if you could maybe...you know...take him with you today?" 

Me: Oh yeah, sure thing. It's it all three of them or just Nathaniel?

Clint: Just Nathaniel. Cooper and Lila are both heading to their friend's house for sleepovers.

Me: Okay no problem. I am just in the car so will be at yours soon. Make sure he has some sleepwear, his swim shorts and some spare clothes for me please.

Clint: No problem kiddo, see you soon.

Me: See you soon Dad.

I hang up, I am using hands free by the way thank god for technology, and scroll down to Wanda's contact, knowing she is already at Natasha's I give her a call.

Wanda: Hey baby! Although I love to hear your voice, aren't you driving?

Me: I'm on hands free. I'm just calling because I just got a call from my dad and something has come up.

Wanda: You can't make it?

Her voice sounds disappointed.

Me: No I can make it, sorry the way I said it wasn't the way I meant it. I just mean they have plans for today and because the two eldest had plans they forgot to get someone to look after Nathaniel so I was wondering if it was okay to bring him along?

Wanda: Of course it's okay dorogoy, you don't have to ask me.

Me: I just wanted to make sure that it was okay, that was all. Also I am going to be passing the shops on the way down. Do you need anything?

I hear her ask around if anyone needs anything, before there's a moment of silence.

Wanda: No, no one needs anything but are you picking up Nathaniel from the ice cream parlor?

Me: I am. Why would everyone like some?

Wanda: Well if you don't mind grabbing some?

Me: Of course not princess. What does everyone want?

Again I hear her ask the people she is with and I hear a few mumbled replies in the background. 

Wanda: So let's have two tubs of chocolate, one Vanilla, the boys will have a rocky road between them and I will have…

Me: Pumpkin, I know.

Wanda: Am I really that predictable?

Me: No...well maybe, but only when it comes to ice cream. Is that everything?

Wanda: Yeah that's all. Thank you baby.

Me: Right, I am just pulling up to the Parlor. I won't be long. I will message you when I am on my way with the ice cream and the extra luggage. 

Just Us - Wanda Maximoff x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now