From Second To First

ابدأ من البداية

"I do." I place Wanda's hair that has fallen in front of her face, and is tickling my nose, behind her ear placing my hand on her cheek as I rub my thumb along her cheekbone. "I started learning after the second time I went to Sokovia. I thought it would make everything easier when I visited. I mean I am a foreigner in Sokovia and hardly any of the older Sokovians know English and are not going to learn. So I decided that I would learn so there wasn't a language barrier between us." 

"That's really sweet. I bet that boy you visit was surprised when you spoke Sokovian to him." Wanda moves her arms from my abdomen seemingly tired from sitting up, wrapping them gently around my torso as she lays her head on my chest. 

"He was. It was amazing to see the smile on his face. I don't think I've seen him smile like that before and not again till I gave him my iron-man artwork." 

"I can't wait to see your artwork. Do you know any other languages?" 

Instead of answering with my voice I tap the side of Wanda's head so I know she is looking at me. Her green eyes meet mine, but I grab her attention with my hands instead.

I do. I know ASL as well

Wanda scrunches her eyebrows at me. "I'm assuming that was. I know ASL too?" 

It was. 

She gives me an unamused look, and I hold my hands up in surrender but a small smile grows on her face when I bring my hands down one of them running through her hair scratching her scalp the other resting on one of hers on my chest. 

"What are you doing this week?" Wanda's free hand starts to draw random patterns and shapes on my chest as she waits for me to go through my calendar in my head.

"I have meetings all of this week. What about you?" 

"The boys come back today, not till this evening though." Her hand stops for a second before continuing. "Can you stay today, just until before the boys are here. We aren't going to get to spend this much time together for a while." 

"Wouldn't want to do anything else printsessa." 

"Can I bring you lunch at all, or are your meetings going to run all day?" I can feel her pout against my skin about the idea of not being able to see me until the cookout." 

"I'm the boss, I'm sure I can get away with calling an hour break if you just message me when you are on your way, or phone Mantis who will let me know." I feel her body stiffen slightly at my words, her hand becoming still on my chest as she looks up at me.

"What do you mean you can call a break? I don't want to cause you issues with the people you're in the meeting with."

"You're the one who asked me if you could visit, but now you don't want to interrupt my work?" Wanda huffs a little as she leans up on her elbows, which are either side my chests, my hands moving to rub the tops of her arms.

"I wanted to come when you didn't have work. Your work is important and I don't want to get in the way of it."

"Work is important, yes, but spending time with you even just for a few minutes will always come before work." I make sure to keep eye contact with her trying to show her how much I mean what I say with my eyes. 

"I'm sorry, I just. You're the boss and that means it's important that you stay in these meetings."

"Why are you trying to push back on this?" I scrunch my eyebrows tilting my head utterly confused why one minute she wants to see me and the next she doesn't.

"It's not that I don't want to see you or spend time with you, I just want to make sure you have your priorities right. I mean work comes before all else."

Just Us - Wanda Maximoff x Fem!readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن