The redhead whips his head at the source and grins. "Of course. It's weird to spend a school year without a school festival."

Amy shook her head as she laughed. "Trust you to say something like that." She crosses her arms as she watched the students as well. "I'm impressed that many liked the idea of working themselves on the decorations."

Royse sighed. "It's nice and all but there're still those that complained. At least the advisors were able to give an option where they're free to leave and not participate in the festival."

"Well they'll miss out on a lot of stuff."

"Oh they will."

Royse and Amy exited the room and walked into the hallway. "Are you inviting your parents?" He asks.

Amy takes something from her pocket and waved it around. "Yep. Got 2 entry tickets for them. How about you?"

The redhead hums as he counts with his finger. "Mom and dad, Andrew and his family, and Mark-san."

"Man, we'll have a lot of guests then. I'm pretty sure almost all the students here will invite not only their family but their relatives as well."

"Yeah, that's why everyone's working hard. Even if the students over here are nobles, they want to make a difference and work for themselves. I'm sure since it's because this is the academy that their parents approve of the decision."

Amy groaned. "Obviously. If it was any other kind of volunteering then their parents would react and disapprove of it. They better appreciate the efforts of their children." She huffs.

Royse laughed. "What will your class be doing?"

Amy grins. "A haunted house."

The redhead looks at her in surprise. "They allowed that?"

She shrugs. "Everyone liked the idea. I have to admit, I'm excited. With being able to use our abilities and all, I wonder how the activities will be."

"I wonder if there'll be a talent show."

"I'm more interested if there will be a roleplay."

"Oh, our class will be holding a play."

Amy looks at Royse. "For real?"

The redhead nods. "Yeah. That's why there was a lot of equipment back in class. Those are going to be used for the props." He explains.

They stopped by in front of an office.

"What are we doing here?" Amy asks.

"I need to get the permit for us to use the auditorium for practice." He knocks on the door and waited for his permission. Upon hearing a reply, the two entered the room and greeted the advisors.

"Ah, Royse and Amy, good to see you both." The advisor turns towards the redhead and smiled. "I take that you're here for the permit?"

Royse nods. "Yes. We would like to practice as soon as possible."

The advisor strode towards his desk and took a paper slip from his drawer. He walks back towards the student and handed him the paper. "I'm looking forward to your class's play." He turns towards the light bearer. "And of course, I am most certainly excited with the haunted house."

Amy grins. "Sir likes thrill's huh."

The advisor chuckles at her words. "Of course, it's rare to find such an idea. I'd say many of us are excited about it. And also-" He looks at Royse with a smile. "With Royse's suggestion in implementing a festival within academy grounds, many are very delighted with it. Not only the students, but us advisors also get to unwind and enjoy the activities."

Transmigration as an Unknown Character! | 僕の妹の大好きな乙女ゲームで, 未知のキャラクターとして移住しました!Where stories live. Discover now