"You're okay. I'm okay. We are going to be okay." He nods against my shoulder, as I feel the tears start to soak through my shirt. "We are going to be okay. You hear me? I can't lose you again."

"You won't. I promise I will do better." He takes his head off my shoulder as he looks up at me, me standing just a few inches taller. I lean my forehead against him, it's something we have done since we first met. It just lets the other person know we are with them and that it's going to be okay.

"I know. Now as Thor said I can't keep the lady waiting. She is probably watching this through the window think 'what the fuck is going on'." Loki moves to look around me.

"Oh yeah, I'm getting the death glare." We all laugh out loud as I turn to see Wanda's face soften when she sees mine, I know that I've got a few tears running down my face. I wipe them away as I smile back at her.

"I will see you boys next week."

"Starting your weekly tradition of coffee and a muffin again." I nod and give Loki a goodbye kiss on the cheek and Thor wraps me into a crushing hug.

I escape from Thors grasp and make my way out of the café. I shake my body off as I walk out the door trying to stop the small tremors that have started in my hand from the many emotions I'm feeling. I take a deep breath in before slowly releasing , making my way to the car where Wanda has made her way out of and is standing on the sidewalk next to the car. She opens up her arms and I practically fall into a hug with her, my arms wrapping around her waist as I squeeze her tightly. I bend my body slightly so she can rest her chin on my shoulder and stand back up. She squeals as her legs sway in the air, now no longer on the floor.

"Y/n! Put me down." She squeals as I spin her around once and gently place her back down on the ground. Wanda removes herself from the embrace, her hands moving to cup my cheeks as she looks up at me, the sun lighting up her face perfectly. "You okay dorogoy? You had quite the moment with Loki back there."

I quirk my eyebrow at the jealousy I hear in her voice. "It's not what you think it may be Wanda. He is more like an uncle to me than anything else, and he apologised for something he did in the past. So yes I am okay. Actually never better. So Brooklyn?"

"Brooklyn!" Wanda repeats excitedly as she pulls my face down to kiss me, taking her time giving my bottom lip attention before playfully biting it. We jump back from one another when we hear a loud knocking next to us, looking to see Loki behind the glass window of the café with an unimpressed look.

"Stop eating your girlfriends face in the middle of the sidewalk it's disgusting how happy you look." His muffled voice vibrates through the glass as he fake gags at the sight of us, but neither of us pointing out that we aren't girlfriends. When I realise Wanda didn't say anything, I look to her to see her looking at me with something I can't quite decipher and I nearly ask her out right then and there. But I have a plan, and I can't spoil it with my blabbermouth. I have to wait for her.

"Right, let's go."

I open the passenger door for Wanda, making sure she is comfortable and buckled in before I make my way to my side. As I turn the keys starting the ignition checking my mirrors so I can pull away safely, I see Wanda place her hand on the dashboard of the car as I rev it. She loves this car, and I love that she loves this car.

We are sitting in the car enjoying one of the many radio stations, as we drive with the windows down our hair dancing in the wind. I have one hand on the steering wheel, the other resting on the frames of the door moving it up and down in the wind. I see Wanda shuffle to face me more as she rests her elbow on her door resting her face in her open palm.

Just Us - Wanda Maximoff x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now