"Yes, right, I will go get myself sorted. The girls don't have any allergies and are not fussy with what they eat. Sorry I'm just a little nervous." 

"It's okay princess, but shouldn't I be the one who's nervous." Wanda huffs out a laugh as she finally relaxes leaning her body against mine so I wrap my arms around her neck gently. 

"You're right, why aren't you nervous." 

"Oh I am, I've just learned how to hide it. Now is spaghetti bolognese with garlic bread okay for food?" 

"It's perfect, you're perfect. Thank you dorogoy." Wanda stands on her tiptoes to give me a sweet kiss that I reciprocate. 

"Now go get yourself ready and I will get everything sorted in the kitchen." I playfully swat Wanda's butt as she makes her way into the ensuite causing a cute squeak to leave her lips. 

I straighten out my clothes as I walk down the stairs. I am wearing some simple skinny fit jeans, plain black socks and a white button up shirt. I mean I could wear shoes but we are not going out, so I can't be fucked to wear them. What a way to meet Wanda's friends... in my socks. I get into the kitchen, immediately placing a pan on the hob setting it on a low heat so it can warm up before I put the mince in. 

I'm swaying my hips to the music that's echoing through the kitchen, getting the last of the dinner ready. The spaghetti has a few more minutes and the mince and sauce is just simmering away so it stays hot, the aroma of the garlic bread is also spread, letting me know that it is most done too. 

"Dorogoy." Wanda's voice brings me out of my cooking trance, but I don't turn around as I keep an eye on the pasta to make sure it is cooked perfectly but hit the pause button on my phone,  which is next to the hob, stopping the music.

"Yes baby girl?" I hear the clearing of a throat.

"Uh, y/n." This time I turn around when I hear Wanda mumble and am met by the faces of her friends and a very red faced Wanda. Whoops.

I recognise two faces from the night I met Wanda. Natasha is the one with short blonde woman. Sharon is the taller blonde of the three. The third blonde must be Yelena. Wow, I don't think I've seen so many blonde's in a room since highschool, where all the cheerleaders try to look the exact same. Both Natasha and Sharon are smirking at Wanda while Yelena's jaw is wide open, her eyes flicking between me and Wanda.

"Right, okay. So food is just about done, why don't you guys get settled at the island and I will bring it over for you and we can open a nice bottle of red to go with the meal." I clap my hands together once as I turn back around to strain the pasta: turning the hobs off. 

Wanda joins me in the kitchen moving to the cupboards to grab out 5 plates, the cutlery and each of us a wine glass. As she moves past me to put the plates down on the counter so I can dish up the food, she leans up to give me a peck on the cheek and we hear a chorus of ews behind us which make me laugh but I see Wanda send them all a middle finger.

"Could you just grab out another plate for the garlic bread princess?" 

"Yeah. Can I put some music on?" Wanda moves to grab me another plate as I use the oven glove to remove the garlic bread.

"Just ask S.U.S.I.E. to play what you want." I say nonchalantly, kind of forgetting that I have other people around me even though I am dishing up food for 5.

"Who's S.U.S.I.E?" I hear a stern voice with a very prominent Russian accent. 

"S.U.S.I.E is my in home computer system, Yelena. It is Yelena right?" I smirk as I hear her murmur a 'how the fuck.'

Just Us - Wanda Maximoff x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now