"Okay princess. Let me know if you need any help." 

"Will do, but you aren't getting any unless I get kisses." I smile at her as I make my way behind her wrapping my arms around her waist as I lean down to rest my chin on her shoulder.

I move my head so my lips ghosts her neck, my hot my breath fanning down her bare neck and I smirk when I see goosebumps spread across her skin. Taking that as a good sign I start pecking at the top of her neck below her jaw, I can feel her swallow harshly as I make my way down toward her pulse point. Once I reach it I nip at it gently, hearing Wanda drop the knives on the counter as she grips it with her hands to stable herself. I soothe the area before moving to another area just below her ear and nip and suck on that before soothing it.

"Y/n." Wanda breathes out. I smirk and pull away and she stumbles back slightly. She turns around giving me a small scowl but I plant a kiss on her lips which makes her smile. 

"Do I get food now?" She huffs out a laugh and smooshes my lips together between her finger and thumb.

"After that, you can get anything you want." 

"I look forward to it." Just like that I leave a flustered Wanda in the kitchen as I hop onto the couch and start flicking through the TV.

"Do you have Netflix Wanda?" 

"Uh, no I don't sorry." I turn on the couch to watch as she effortlessly moves around her kitchen preparing the food for us both.

"Would you mind if I login to my account on your TV?" 

"No, go ahead." I turn back around as I get Netflix up and sign myself in, I press the keep logged in button so Wanda can use it anytime she wishes. I will let her know though so she can have full control over it when it comes to her twins because no doubt they will not stop watching it if they knew they could get away with it.

"Anything you want to watch princess?" Wanda makes her way over to the couch positioning herself so she is laying down with her head on my lap, I move one hand into her hair and start weaving it through every now and again scratching at her scalp. I hear a hum leave Wanda's lips as she sinks further into my lap, relaxing at my touch.

"Anything you would recommend dorogoy. We haven't had Netflix since before the divorce." I look down at Wanda as I move her hair to behind her ear, leaning down to kiss her cheek. "Oh wait, there's one programme I started watching before we lost Netflix. Stranger things! Can we watch that?!"

"Of course princess. How is the food doing?"

"It's simmering away. Should be ready in about 20 minutes or so." 

"You added your secret ingredient?" She turns her head in my lap to look up at me puckering her lips and I smile and peck them a couple of times making her smile.

"Of course I have. Wouldn't forget it."

"Well I'm looking forward to eating it again." 

"Freshly cooked is always better than reheated." She turns back to look at the TV as I press play on season 1 of stranger things. 

"Is that so?" 

"Of course. Fresh is always best, especially with fresh veg but this place doesn't have a garden so I go to a fresh grocer's when I make the paprikash, so it's as good as it can be." I lean forward to place the remote down on the coffee table in front of us, I rest my hand against Wanda's which is resting on her hip. I intertwine our fingers, continuing to brush my other hand through her hair.

"Well maybe you can come to my house one day and cook, you will have all the fresh fruit and veg you need." I feel Wanda's brow furrow under my hand that I start rubbing gently against her temple, instead of through her hair, to try and relax her brows.

Just Us - Wanda Maximoff x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now