I watch as her eyes flick from my hand up to my face to already seeing me staring at her which causes a shy smile and a small blush to grow on her face. I smile back at her as both our eyes search each others. Her eyes flick to my lips as she sits up slightly leaving small pecks on my lips before sitting back down and getting back to her task. I wince slightly when she takes her hand in mine, a small sorry leaving her lips as she slowly starts to bandage my thumb to give it some support. Once she has finished wanda brings my hand to her lips leaving a kiss on each of my knuckles and a couple on my now bandaged thumb. 

"Thank you." I mumble out bowing my head, now embarrassed that she had to take to caring for me. Even if it was just to bandage my thumb.

"How did you dislocate it?" She moves the first aid box of the bed placing it on the floor as she moves to sit next to me wrapping her arm around my body pulling me closer to her.

"I, uh, I hit my steering wheel a little too hard." I lean my head on her shoulder to hide my embarrassment.

"A little too hard? More like repeatedly." I let out a small laugh nodding into her shoulder. "Can I ask why?" 

"Just went to see family and one of them brought something up that I thought I had buried and it brought up some stuff." 

"You have a lot of pent up emotion. The black eye and now this." 

"Therapy helps." I blurt out, and then hide myself against her, now even more embarrassed she knows I have to go to therapy.

"Therapy is nothing to be embarrassed about, because that would mean I would have to be embarrassed too." I move my head to look up at her from her shoulder and to see the understanding look on her face.

"I guess we can be embarrassed together then." She pulls me closer to her laughing as I let out a small giggle.

"Embarrassed together." Her laughing stops as she looks down to me. "Why are you embarrassed?" 

"Therapy isn't something people want to talk about, I guess. I mean I think the exact words are 'mentally ill people are a lot harder to be with than those who are not, and you just need to get a grip'. Or something like that, I don't really remember what she said." I shrug not thinking much of it, I heard that saying nearly everyday so much I believed it and still do because it's true.

"Who the fuck told you that?!" Wanda's abruptness makes me jump slightly, not expecting it. 

"My ex-girlfriend. I mean she was right, she left after all. When I told her everything because my therapist told me it would be good for us."

"Well your ex girlfriend sounds like a fucking bitch for leaving you, you were vulnerable and she seemed to care more about herself then you and that is wrong. She should have been there for you." 

"You'd run away if you knew." Wanda sits up causing me to remove myself from her side sitting up straighter, now I look down to her.

"I won't." She cups my cheeks as her eyes bore into mine, it feels like she is looking into my soul.

"I'm not ready." I bow my head not wanting to see her disappointed look. Instead I feel her hand under my chin lifting my head so I can see her. I don't see anger or hurt, not even pity which is the worst look. I hate being pitied. She has a look of understanding. 

"Then I will be here when you are." I bite my lip trying to hide my emotion as I look up to the ceiling, my leg bouncing slightly as I keep it all in. "I care about you y/n. So much. In this short time we have known each other, 8 days to be precise, I have found myself to care so much. It's kind of scary actually how much I am falling for you dorogoy and I just...I…" I cut Wanda off with a kiss. 

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