One Hectic Party

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You finally got back to the main gate and entered with ease. The crowded ballroom paid you no bother when you walked in with your two (2) accomplices. You heard someone running towards you, and you turned around to see Wilbur, a somewhat concerned look on his face.

"Where's Fundy?" Wilbur questioned sternly.

"With Sapnap and Eret, he's fine." Just as you finished your sentence, the small fox came running to him. You realized that your friends had a concerned look on their faces.

"Ha! Found you!" Fundy said, hugging his father's legs. Wilbur leaned down and observed him.

"Did you eat wild berries or something? Your eyes are purple." Wilbur said, then looked at Zalkhain for a second, and looked again. "Wait, how did you get here?"

"Wilbur. I'm sorry, but that's not Fundy." Zalkhain stated, a look of concern and sorrow on their face. "There were not wild berries of any kind involved." Fundy flinched behind Sapnap and Eret once they started moving toward him ever so slightly.

"What?" Wilbur questioned, a confused look appearing on his face.

"Didn't Fundy tell you that you were the seeker?" You say, somewhat confused.

"He did, but how can you be sure?" Wilbur inquired, stepping in front of Fundy. He crossed his arms, raising a brow skeptically.

Zalkhain cleared their throat, and dropped to one knee. They smiled at Fundy, a plan obviously in mind. "Fundy, could you answer a question for me?"

Fundy nodded cheerfully, and smiled at them, trying to make it seem like nothing was wrong. Zalkhain looked up at Wilbur and grimaced, mouthing a sorry to him. When they glanced back at the fox child, they sighed.

"Okay, Fundy," their voice was quiet, and almost in a regretful tone. "Fundy, what is your mother's name?.." They questioned, eyes shut tight. Wilbur tensed up, a wild and unbelieving look in his eyes.

"Well, uh..." 'Fundy' mumbled quietly, trying his best not to sound unsure. "I um.."

Wilbur looked back over at Fundy, shocked by what he was hearing. He couldn't believe that his son wouldn't -- no, couldn't. He wasn't willing to believe that Fundy couldn't remember the name of his own mother.

"Wilbur," Rosemary's voice was calm within the panic of the ballroom. Everything else silenced when she spoke, her voice alone was the powerhouse of the room at the time. "That is not your son. I apologize that I must be so blunt about it, but it is true."

"It may look like Fundy... but that isn't him," Zalkhain chimed in softly, placing their hand gently on Wilbur's shoulder. The shock faded from Wilbur's eyes, turning instead to fear and sorrow.

"Who is he, then?" He asked, almost sporadically. He grabbed Zalkhain and backed away from Fundy, afraid of them getting hurt.

"Well, why doesn't he reveal himself?" Rosemary chuckled, looking back at Fundy. The purple glow of his eyes was brighter than it had been with Sapnap. Now it was furious looking.

Vincent was angry.

"Why should I?" A crackling voice came from Fundy's body. It was like his voice was blended up with white noise, and then put over the castle's speaker system. (It was fairly new, fairly bad, and always filled with static. It reminded you of home, though.)

"Well, right there you did." Zalkhain stated, pushing away from Wilbur. "So, ultimately, there will forever be a 'getting caught' moment within your dynamic."

The child's body stiffened at the words. You could tell that he was furious. Then a purple mist surrounded the small fox, and disintegrated to find a black bunny with purple eyes and mouth that was taller than you. Fundy was laying on the ground, in a hypnotized stage of sleep. Rosemary picked him up and looked at Zalkhain, a somewhat playful glare in her eyes. Zalkhain nodded, then glared at the black bunny, a smile appearing on their face.

Before anyone could even react, a black dog with amber eyes came into the castle. A look of fear came onto the rabbit's face. You saw Rosemary hand Fundy to Zalkhain, and Wilbur behind them in a panic state. The dog stopped for a second and ran away from the castle. Before you could question how, it came back dragging -- much to your surprise -- Dream.

"Dream?" You wonder aloud, at first the possibility being completely impossible. When you studied the unconscious body that the dog was dragging closer, you saw that you were indeed correct. It was your guard who has been with you this whole time. "Dream!" You shout, fear seeping cold into your bones. You sprinted toward him and the dog, thinking nothing but frantic variants of the word 'no'.

You slid on the polished wooden floor, your nice beige pants slowing you on the ground. You stopped sliding right next to him, and grabbed his hand. You worriedly gazed down at him, tears filling your eyes silently.

"Are you alright..?" You whispered, leaning over hun further. He groaned quietly, and turned toward you slightly. His hand squeezed yours as he stayed put. He was silent other than the uncomfortable noises that occasionally left him. After a short while, his other hand reached out and cupped your face gently.

And name this one

"Thank god, you're safe." Was all he whispered to you. His eyes were still tightly shut, but he was smiling. You leaned down and wrapped your arms around him.

"Yeah, I am."


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