Cacti, My Beloved

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You were still walking through the castle, then you found Zalkhain talking to Wilbur near the library doors. Before you could even react, Fundy threw two (2) cookies at them; both of them hit Zalkhain in the face. They both turned their attention towards you.

"Fundy, why did you do that?" Zalkhain asked, you could tell that they were agitated.

"Rosemary told us to give everyone a cookie. I say it's because the wedding is cancelled!" You reply cheerfully. Wilbur wasn't paying attention to either of you, but instead picking up the cookies.

"Five (5) second rule." Wilbur said as he took a bite out of the pastry.

"Really, Wilbur?" Zalkhain said, glaring at the man that was nearly a foot taller than them.

"Rose is making more, so I think you can have the other one, Zalk." You answer with a chuckle. Zalkhain grabbed the other cookie from Wilbur and took a bite.

"We need to give everyone else a cookie; come on!" Fundy said, dragging you into the library.

You let the child drag you to what felt like half (½) of the castle before you ran into Eret.

"Oh, Eret, catch!" You yell at them. He looks at you as you throw the small cookie like a frisbee at her. They caught it and took a bite.

"Who made these?" He asked. You simply motioned to the kitchen. "Oh, that makes sense."

"We've been giving out cookies since we took the jar!" Fundy announced. You knew that it was so everyone could enjoy a cookie, but also so you felt good.

"Oh, have fun then; last I saw everyone -- including me -- was heading into the dining hall." Eret replied.

"I think it'll be better if we just follow you then, make it easier on ourselves." You chuckle, and follow them into the dining hall where everyone was discussing the cancellation.

You found your seat next to Eret and Fundy and looked at your friends and family that surrounded you. You recognized all but one of them, a pigman with a skull mask that had red eyes the color of blood. He had a golden crown and was sitting next to Phil in the place where you thought Rosemary was supposed to be.

"Eret, do you know who the pigman is?" You ask, poking him with your elbow.

"Oh, that's Technoblade. He's the one who helped kick some sense into your father." She muttered back to you.

"He is my friend now." You command with a playfully stern tone. You both burst into laughter moments later.

Not too long after you had finished laughing, Rosemary and a few maids came into the room holding large platters.

"Please take your hands off the table." Rosemary commanded nicely. Once everyone had done as she said, the large plates of food were brought onto the table.

There was a steak of some sort, mashed potatoes of any kind, and biscuits that had butter on a smaller plate next to them with a knife. The meal looked fit for what it was served for - royalty. Once everyone had begun to pass around the food, Rose dismissed the maids to eat as well. Zalkhain made sure that Rosemary got to eat, even though she complained that there was still more to be done.

"The wedding is cancelled." Zalkhain repeated for the fifth (5th) time in the past minute. Eret glanced over at them, a large grin coming onto their face.

"I dunno, Zalkhain," he called out to the person across the table. Their hazel eyes locked on Eret, an obvious shock within them. "Pretty sure Dream and that cactus got somethin nice going on!" She teased, poking at the guard next to them.

Dream huffed and shoved his hand away, an obvious frustration within him. "I am not in love with the cactus!" He shouted, crossing his arms across his chest. Afterwards, while Eret was laughing, he mumbled something that looked somewhat like 'Sapnap... blah blah blah... Y/N... blah blah blah... Love... Blah. Blah. Blah.' He looked up, caught your eye, and shouted again about the cactus. "I just like the color it produces!"

Rose couldn't even find stability with the table, Zalkhain nearly thought she was dead; then again, they were nearly dead from laughter too. Once they both recovered their stability, Rosemary instantly left the table once again to 'help' Dream's cause. She returned moments later with a round cake that had been decorated with small cacti on it. Everyone burst into laughter moments later.

"There, don't worry, it's vanilla and chocolate swirl." Rose said as she began to cut the cake. Soon enough everyone's laughter was muffled through bites of cake.

The cake was nearly gone by the time the laughter had stopped, Dream hadn't had a single slice of it. As if she was on que, Rosemary instantly took the main dishes and platters off the table and headed back to the kitchen. Zalkhain instantly got up and sprinted after her.

"You are not doing the dishes, Rosemary Dawson! I will make sure of it!" They screamed. You knew better than to try and chase them.


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