Disappointment at its Finest

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When you both reached the man, you smiled at the crude, clumpy paint. He tilted his head downward in what seemed like a mock bow. Tommy tsked at him, slowing his horse to a stop.

"Hello prince Tommy and Sovereign Y/N." He greeted politely. His voice was deep, and had a type of harshness to it that would scare most people. You only smiled more, and waved, causing an aura of confusion to waft from your brother, and an upwards movement of the other man's mask.

You had made him smile, which was something you were proud of for no reason at all. You just had done it, and it was cool. In front of you, Tommy groaned and hoisted himself from the horse, landing on the ground with a fwoop. You remained where you were, only grabbing the reins and pulling the horse away from the two men in front of you.

A person stopped in front of you, a large grin on his tanned face. You smiled back as politely as you could. He helped you down and started leading you inside the castle. You were surprised how simple the castle layout was compared to your own. Since it was ready for any attacks, the corridors were intertwined with each other, creating a vast 5 floor labyrinth. This castle was quite the opposite, and was instead a grid-like formation of halls, running up and down from the front of the castle to the back.

You all kept going in a straight line through the hallways, passing through many well-crafted dark oak doors, that you eventually made your way through the last set of doors into the throne room to see a man sitting on a throne.

He had dark brown hair, which covered most of his forehead. You couldn't see his eyes because of the large, white-rimmed sunglasses he wore pushed all the way up his face. You stared at him as you were brought further and further into the polished room.

He tilted his head backwards as he eyed you skeptically. He seemed to be somewhat disgusted by you, of which you found no offense. "This is Sovereign Y/N," the tanned man introduced you to the one on the throne. You bowed slightly and glanced back at the tan man. "Sovereign, this is Prince George, the heir to our throne."

You blinked as the tan man brushed some bits of raven-colored hair from his face, still smiling. After a few moments of silence, you saw the masked man drag Tommy in after him. Tommy was yelling curse words, demanding to see you, when the masked man let him go.

Tommy quickly pulled himself back up, about to yell at the other, when he spotted you. "Y/N!" He shouted, jogging toward you. "Y/NNNN, why'd you disappear?" He whined, smacking your shoulder lightly. You chuckled, grabbing his hand right before he hit you again.

"It wasn't a choice I made," you stated bluntly, jerking your head toward the tanned man who brought you here. Tommy followed the direction you gestured to, and glared at the tan man. In the reflection of your brother's eyes, you saw the man behind you grin and wave.

"I don't like these... stupid Falconiers." He uttered to you, voice laced with fury. You only nodded and patted his shoulder lightly. He grunted at you and straightened his back, turning to look at George, who had left his throne and was now venturing toward you.

You stiffened, cringing slightly at him when he stopped a few feet away. He motioned for you to come forward, to which you reluctantly complied. When you were next to him, he placed a hand on your shoulder and leaned forward to whisper into your ear.

"Listen, neither of us want this marriage." He said, clear as day. For one moment, you were shocked at him immediately assuming that was how you felt (despite it being true.)

Before he pulled away, you whispered a sentence back. "Then why don't you do something about it?"

He simply motioned for you to follow him away from Tommy -- or the guards... You weren't sure which. You followed anyway however, somewhat happy to get away from Tommy. He led you into a different room where no one could listen, or really do anything, since the walls were made of textured wool.

"Y/N." He said, watching the door slam shut behind you. "Y/N, I have no power here."

"But you're the king-"

"No," he seethed, flopping into a chair. His accent reminded you slightly of Wilbur's, only a bit more soothing. Well, soothing if he weren't extremely angry at the moment. "I'm not the king, Y/N. I'm just the heir. Honestly, Eret could take my place as crowned heir! They aren't even blood related!"

You purse your lips, locking eyes with him the instant he looks up. "George, we both know that you wouldn't want that." He gulped and looked away guiltily. You scoffed and sat in the chair across from him, staring at the cyan colored walls.

This, as you had expected, was disappointment at its finest.


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