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You didn't know how to respond. Honestly, you couldn't respond. You seemed to be doing that a lot recently. You would just freeze, and your throat would close up. It was practically inhibiting your ability to even breathe.

"Y/N?" Wilbur asks, grabbing your shoulder gently. He was still crying, but he was worrying more about you than he was himself. It was a dumb decision on his part, and you knew it all too well.

"Y/N, are you alright?" Wilbur asks again, his grip on you tightening. You still couldn't get any words out, just staring at him silently. He shakes your shoulder slightly, his eyes very obviously drowned in worry.

Almost as quickly as the shock had overtaken you; it took you into the abyss of your memories.

You were seventeen (17), and were being put through class after class after class. Honestly, they were all just blending together nowadays. You could barely even remember what you were being taught.

You were there, sprawled across the Ensidione library, reading some book about this mostly undiscovered area called 'The End'. Apparently, it was an eternal darkness filled with the Enderian people and their god. Their god was some sort of black dragon with purple eyes; the book called it the Dragon of the Night.

There were supposedly more islands than just the dragon island, but you were fairly certain it was only a myth. Frankly, the entirety of 'The End' seemed pretty fake to you, but you had to read about it.

"Hey, Y/N," the pleasant voice of a woman came from behind you. It was Sally, her red hair falling slightly past her shoulders in bouncy curls. "What are you reading now?"

"The Forever Night; The End Tales," you responded bluntly, looking back at the book disinterestedly. Sally giggled, sitting down on the ground next to you. You glanced over at her as she smoothed out her yellow skirt.

"I've read that, actually." She replies, a kind smile large on her face. "Do you think it's true?" She asks, taking the book from your hands. She places it page-down onto the ground, careful to not lose your page.

"No, it sounds too fake." You mutter, closing your eyes. Sally laughed again, the sound blessing you still. "Do you think it's real?" You asked her, opening one eye, turning your attention to her.

"I believe it could be. You and I both have encountered Enderian life forms. We both know they exist." Her eyes became distant, and she stared at the shelves of books.

"Yeah, I guess..." You respond, slowly reaching back for the book. She grabbed your wrist, locking eyes with you.

"Don't make the wrong choice in life, Y/N." She mumbles to you, scaring you out of wits.

"About... About believing in The End?" You asked, color draining from your face. It was such a small topic, your opinion about it shouldn't have mattered.

"No, Y/N." Her voice was cold. Ice cold. You'd never heard her being that cold before. "About your future. If you are ever forced into something you don't want to do, rebel against the choice."

The memory was one you had long forgotten; buried away in the depths of your mind. It hurt your head. You wobbled for a moment before falling straight into Wilbur.


AGAINST PLANNING // Dream x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now