Worry in Magenta

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So, here you were again. This time with Sapnap, rather than Dream, which you assumed would be a bit more fun -- with no offense to your guard, of course. Sapnap laughed as he and yourself peeked into the dining hall where you would be getting breakfast very soon. Dream was trying to explain to Emiliana and Anastazy why you hadn't arrived with him.

"Well, you see!" Dream spoke faster when he was nervous. His words were swirling by so quickly, that they just sounded like mush to you. "Y/N is with Sapnap! He burst into the room as I was talking to them, and shoved me out! I couldn't- I couldn't do anything about it!"

Emiliana snickered silently. It was obvious she was in on the plan. (You couldn't tell with Anastazy, though. The man was stone faced 24/7/365).

Sapnap ushered you back so he could make his dramatic entrance. He said he was a good actor, so you just hoped that he wasn't a liar.

He shoved open both doors to the hall, a frantic look present on his face. "DREAM!" Sapnap shouted, looking around the hall. "WHERE'S Y/N?"

Dream looked back with a confused expression. "What do you mean?" His voice was barely audible to you, crouched behind the door frame silently.

"They're gone! You left, and I turned around, and they were gone!" He said to the now panicking masked man. He sprinted past you and up the spiral staircase, faster than you could've gone for sure. You waited until you heard the door burst open before walking into the dining hall.

"Good morning!" You called politely, taking your seat next to Eret. They grinned at you, laughing. Emiliana and Anastazy joined in moments later. You were able to keep a straight face throughout. Sapnap shushed everyone as Dream came downstairs.

He started rushing towards the royal gates when you thought it would be a good time to confuse him. "Dream? Where are you going?" He didn't bother to look at you.

"To look for yo-" He stopped in his tracks, and turned around. "How are you there?" He screamed as he put his hands in the air. He walked back towards the table and gave you a death glare.

You weren't intimidated at all, knowing that you could deal with Wilbur when he wanted to kill fish. You calmly gave Dream one back. He instantly gave up and headed back towards Sapnap.

"Back to being sick." He said, then muttered something to Sapnap you didn't catch.

"Dream wait-" Sapnap turned around. "You still have stuff to do!"

"I'm sick, I get a one (1) day pass!" Dream said as he headed back up the spiral staircase.

"Alright, Y/N would you be alright if we took a short detour to the desert tomorrow?" Sapnap asked, Dream instantly ran back downstairs and took his seat next to you. You instantly started to laugh at his reaction.

"Why the desert?" You said once you calmed down.

"That's the only place that he can get cactus green." Eret said to you. You saw Dream start to stiffen at the mention of the plant.

"Did father not tell you guys that we ha-" Eret covered your mouth before you could finish your sentence.

"Sh, we don't tell him, otherwise we won't be able to use it against him." Eret whispered in your ear. You nodded and stayed silent.

Breakfast was served after everyone sat down, french toast with sausage. Everyone ate peacefully before starting to depart for their royal duties. You got up with Sapnap and made your way to the ballroom to see how the decorations were coming.

You walked in to see that most of the main pieces were in place. All that was missing was the real mood that it's a peace treaty for the people. Rather than showing the sadness this was for you. Then a thought crossed your mind. George had decorated it, of course it was sad.

"Hey, Sap," you spoke quietly, staring intently at the decorations in the room. "Can we add a few brighter colors in? Maybe some gold and possibly... uh.."

"How about gold and magenta?" He suggested with a small smile. You nodded in agreement. Magenta was a really pretty color.

Only question is: how were you meant to get magenta and gold colored decorations?

"And if you're worrying about where we can get it, don't." Sapnap stated, leaning back on his heels before wobbling slightly. "We have... a large variety of colored decorations up in the attic. If we leave a note, they could know..."

"Or," you interjected into the silence, "We could get it ourselves. You know, we're meant to be here until ten (10:00), we could always help 'em out a tiny bit!"

He agreed, only slightly reluctant. Sapnap then led the way to the attic, shoving the -- weirdly birch wood -- door open. Out fell a cloud of dust, which probably shouldn't have been there. Sapnap and yourself coughed, you waving away the minor mass of dust that came near you, him being engulfed in the majority of it.

"Shouldn't... George have come... in here?" You spoke between coughs and inhalations of the grime. Through the (now clearing) dust, Sapnap shook his head and wiped his eyes.

"No, all of the decor he got was from a marketplace in the village. I dunno if they're still around or not, but this... I thought going into the attic would be quicker." He replied through his hand.

"How do you even know there are decorations in the attic, Sap?" You sighed, grabbing his spare arm and dragging him from the dust cloud.

"I was in here when I was a kid, I saw them then!" He defended himself immediately before giving a forlorn glance back at the door. "Besides, it probably hasn't been opened since then."

"What do you mean?" You asked, genuinely curious.

"...Nothing. Let's just get the decorations." His eyes gave the impression that he was no longer with you next to the attic, but instead stuck in his mind. You didn't want to intrude further with any other questions,so you just walked past him slowly, going into the dark attic.


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