Sapnap Supremacy

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You had probably been asleep for about four-five hours (4-5) when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You usually weren't the lightest of sleepers, but you must have just been on edge from what had happened those hours prior. You opened your eyes to spot Tommy's green-blue eyes staring back at you.

"Why are you on the couch?" He whispers, leaning back on his hands. He waited silently -- and oddly patiently -- for your response. Granted, the response he got was you groaning and turning around.

"Leave me be, Tommyyy," you mumbled angrily into the cushions.

"You have another banquet." Tommy said as he took the blanket off of your body. You instantly felt cold, so you sent him a very terrifying death glare to make him give it back. He instantly threw the blanket on top of you.

"All banquets were cancelled, Tommy." You say, your morning voice starting to come through. You heard him leave then started to drift back off to sleep.

You woke up to hear a door slam across the hall. Figuring it was just Tommy, you started to drift off to sleep when you feel someone pick you up bridal style and start to carry you. You squint your eyes open to see Eret carrying you and placing you on a bed. He smiled as you laid down, then left.

You open your eyes completely to find yourself still in your room. Eret must've been concerned about you. You started to doze off when you heard something move, and grab you by the waist. You looked and saw your masked accomplice sleeping peacefully. You were quite surprised how the mask stayed on if you were honest, taking he's been asleep longer than you have. You couldn't stop yourself from dozing off however, and you slept peacefully.


You woke up to the sound of the mattress being adjusted, not opening your eyes, you turned your body away from it. The mattress went silent, so you tried to go back to sleep, then a single thought crossed your mind: what about Dream? You decided it was better to get ready for the day then question the existence of the color green.

You sat up and saw that Dream had left, probably to start questioning the power of Babbity Rabbity and her Cackling Stump. You grabbed the clothes that were laid out by the maids and headed to the bathroom to change. When you came back you saw Dream leaning against the wall, like he always did.

He looked up at you, his mask still off, and his hair in a tousled mess. "So, sovereign," he laughs, rubbing his neck subconsciously. "What disaster do we have planned for today?"

You sighed and straightened your hair ever so slightly in the hanging mirror over your dresser. "Well, that hasn't exactly been something I've been given information about just yet." You responded, glancing back at him with a small smile. "How'd you sleep?"

He stiffened and glanced away for a second. "Alright, I guess." He stated nonchalantly, locking eyes with you again. "How about you?" He turned the topic away from himself, and instead focused it on you.

You shrugged and looked back at the mirror. Dang hair. Always flopping one way and sticking up the other. "Other than Tommy and Eret waking me up -- both at opposite times -- I think I slept quite well." You locked eyes with him again for a millisecond. "Where'd you go, by the way?"

"Huh?" He asked quietly, raising a brow. You could tell he hadn't been paying much attention to anything you had said.

"Where did you disappear to this morning?" You asked again. "I had woken up, expecting to find you here, but you were gone. Where did you go?" His eyes widened in a barely noticeable way. However, you have learned to notice the smallest things with Fundy roaming around the castle at almost all times.

"Well, I, uh-" He was certainly nervous, which was a trait you rarely saw from him. Before he could muster an answer, Sapnap burst through the door.

"Sovereign I know you're busy, but Dream needs to get his own things done so I'm going to be with you on this chaotic day." He said proudly. Dream let out a sigh of relief, while you let out laughter. Sapnap started to push Dream out the door. Then slammed him out of your quarters.

"Alrighty then Sap, do you know what happened to the events from yesterday?" You ask once your hair is done.

"Yep, all events were set to their original times and the events today are made to not interfere with them." He said, you could tell he was very excited for the amount of chaos that you were both going to cause. "Do you even know what you're doing today?"

"Nope." You replied, and a smile came on his face.

"Alright, well there's breakfast at seven-thirty (7:30), you have to monitor ballroom decorations until ten (10:00), then there's a banquet to follow. Once that is finished, you have cake testing at noon (12:00)." -- He takes a long, deep breath -- "Then we head back to the castle to sit for the next few hours until the banquet at five (5:00). That'll take us into the large amount of partying with the townsfolk afterwards."

"Oh, well then, we better get going, then?" You said, you grin widening. He smiled back, and began leading you out of the room and down the spiral staircase.


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