Halls of Fate

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Sapnap was close behind you, both of your footsteps were practically silent to anyone. To the both of you, they were deafening. Halfway through the dimly lit hallway, there were steps, leading up to what you hoped was the attic.

Unfortunately, Sapnap felt the opposite way to you. "Y/N. Y/N, are you- are you trying to make me go into the attic again..?" He asked quietly, a hand on your shoulder.

"Come on, Sapnap!" You urged, tossing a smile at him from over your shoulder. "They wouldn't expect it, I'm sure!"

"I-" He cut himself off. When you looked back at him, his gaze was directed dejectedly at the floor. "I know they won't expect it. That's because I'm here."

"What does that have to do with anything, Sapnap?" You inquired, turning to completely face him. Your brain flashed back to when you and Sapnap had gone to get decorations from the attic.

You just stepped into the grimey place, a cloud of dust whacking you in the head. Sapnap coughed, brushing it away from him. "It's so dusty!" He wheezed out through his coughing. "I kind of hate this..."

"Well, I mean, this is what we have to do, right?" You asked quietly, placing your hand on his shoulder. He shuddered and moved away from you with a few strides into the attic.

"I mean, the servants would have very quickly done it for us." He interjects, sounding colder now than he had before. He was obviously annoyed, you weren't sure why, but you weren't going to push him to tell you.

"Sorry, Sapnap.." You laughed awkwardly, rubbing your neck and following him deeper in. "I just wanted to be helpful, you know? They do so much for all of us.."

"I know, I know. I just," he takes a deep breath. "I really don't like it up here."

That entire time in the attic, he had seemed uneasy. Almost like just existing there was reviving some sort of past life he had recently forgotten... Or something.

"Actually, would you be okay with staying in the basement?" You asked quietly, looking down at the ground. When you looked back up at him, he had a small, kind smile on his face.

"Yeah, I'd like that." He replied, very grateful for the change of plans. Immediately after the situation was settled, you heard footsteps loudly from the other end of the hall.

Sapnap gave a concerned look, you returned with a similar one. Immediately, he pushed into a nearby adjacent hallway (which you hadn't seen until then) and gestured for you to follow him. Without hesitance, you were on his tail.

The footsteps were getting louder and closer. "Hey, look!" You hear Wilbur's voice echo within the narrow hallway. "The attic, they must've gone up there!" Dream scoffed loudly.

"Listen, Wilbur, Sapnap is with Y/N. I'm certain that if they were a good friend -- which they are -- they wouldn't force him into the attic. Especially with his past..." Dream may have continued whatever he was saying, but his voice had faded away.

Sapnap seemed tense ahead of you, but he continued pushing until you reached another door. He busied himself with opening it, but continued fumbling and fumbling. After a few seconds, you reached around him and twisted open the knob, pushing it past him.

He gave a small smile before stepping out into the room past the rickety old door. Emiliana was within the room, and was brushing her hair slowly. She was staring disinterestedly at the mirror, tears streaming down her porcelain colored skin.

"Emiliana?" Sapnap asked quietly, jogging into the room. "What's wrong, your majesty?" He asked, obviously concerned.

The queen sniffed, and frantically wiped her eyes. "What do you mean, dear?" She asks quietly, squeezing her eyes shut so as to not let any more tears escape her. "I'm doing very well!"

"Emiliana..." Sapnap whispered, leaning back on his heels. His eyes strayed to where you were still standing within the room. "Y/N, would you care if we stayed here, instead?"

"I don't mind, Sapnap. Take all the time you need, okay?" You responded, sitting right next to the door. Sapnap gave you a gracious smile before turning back to the blonde woman before him.

"Emiliana, please don't lie to me about this. It is my job, bestowed upon me by you, to protect everyone in this castle." He bowed to her, his words speaking in a more boisterous way than his volume was at.

"Sapnap, worrying about me over something stupid--"

"Is protecting your mental state, Emiliana. Everyone needs to just.. Let it out sometimes, you know?" He gave a sincere smile to her, his head tilting up to face her. "Allow me to be the person you take it out on."

She sighed and patted her bed next to her for him to sit. He sat next to her, but made sure that all of his attention was focused on her. It was safe to say that it was around then that you began to doze off. Some moments you were awake, you were able to catch parts of the conversation. (For example, some words you had heard were: Anastazy, love, wedding, George, Rosemary, Karl, George again, Dream, decorations, Philza.)

You weren't sure if you were meant to be paying attention, and honestly hoped you weren't meant to be. This was giving you time to think. Then why are you? Then why are you? Then why are you?

Why were you really marrying George? It was because of the safety of your people, sure. But, wasn't there another way to do it? You've read so much about treaties before, so why couldn't Anastazy and your father write one?

Besides, you weren't in love with George. He knew that from the first day meeting him. If you were to give him a statement of endearment, it would be more like an annoying older brother. Not a lovely husband.

Also, how did that Ranboo kid know who you were? Their clothes were pretty Nether seeming; light and beige. However, the only people either of the nations within the situation knew were the old guard and their lover Punz.

Unless there was someone else? There couldn't have been, right? No way--

"Sapnap, I think we should cancel Y/N and George's wedding."


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