Rosemary Therapy

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You walked into the kitchen, hoping that you could get some therapy from Rosemary, since she seems like the only one that could actually help your problem that tried to be normal. Rosemary was doing strange things with a dough that you weren't sure for.

"Rose, I have a question; please don't tell anyone." You ask her. She puts the dough back in a mixer that's on low power. Then she grabs two (2) stools and lays them across from one another.

"I won't tell anyone, please sit." Rosemary replies lightly. You let out a sigh of relief knowing that you could trust someone here besides Sapnap with your darkest secrets.

"I think I have feelings for someone, I'm just not sure how I should go about it." You reply nervously, still somewhat scared of being judged.

"It's okay to have feelings for someone, just know the options of what could happen because of it. I will admit, I have feelings for someone as well, but I try to ignore it around them so that it doesn't seem awkward whatsoever." Rosemary confessed, you weren't sure who she had feelings for, but right now you needed to focus on your own.

"How can you do that?" You question, trying to comprehend the mountain of thoughts in your head.

"I simply act how I can around them; if I mess up, I mess up, then move on in life." Rosemary chuckled.

"Alright, well then how should I tell them?" You ask, completely clueless on how you should go about this.

"Just do it. Zalk might know better than I would for this, but I'm not sure whether or not you should tell them about this." Rosemary replied. You both got a chuckle out of it.

"Can I ask one last question?" You chime as Rosemary begins to put the stools back in a corner of the kitchen.

"Sure, what is it?" Rosemary asked, making eye contact with you.

"Who do you have feelings for?" You instantly ask, needing to know.

"Who do you have feelings for?" Rosemary insisted back to you.

"I asked you first." You answer, not wanting to tell her.

"You came here for advice on your relationship with them!" Rosemary argued back. This could be fun.

"Yet you're the one that brought yours up!" You argue back, knowing what you were getting into, mostly.

"So that you could relate, it made it easier didn't it?" Rose reasoned.

"That was because I'm leaving him soon!" You argue, now realizing what you just said.

"I know. Now go before anyone else gets concerned." Rose chuckled. You grabbed a small chocolate chip cookie and walked back to your room to finish your packing.

You began your way up the spiral staircase that you had begun to get tired of, when you ran into Tommy.

"Y/NNNN. I need help." He complains. You drag him into your room, and near the couch -- which was where he flopped down.

"I was packing before I needed to do something, and now I still need to finish packing." You tell him, somewhat unwilling to deal with him.

"I can't find Tubbo; I finished packing; now I'm bored out of my mind." Tommy announced into the couch cushions.

"Maybe if you help me pack, then we can do something fun." You reply, your brother groaned as he got off the couch and began helping you pack.

You finished in around ten (10) minutes, and by the time you had finished Tubbo had come into the room and invited you to lunch in the forest. You let them go, since it would be chaos if someone was with them. You then looked at the clock that hung from the wall near a window; surprisingly, it was nearly time for you and your family to return to Ensidione.


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