Babbity Rabbity and Her Cackling Stump

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Dream let you go and looked at Sapnap trying to stand up. It looked like he forgot to stand - even though you didn't blame him.

"Woah, that was wacky. Last I checked, I was eating lunch not being in Y/N's room... Let alone forgetting how to stand!" Sapnap yelled at his own frustration. You helped him up from the ground.

Not long after he was stabilized, he started trying to walk, but failed in around two and a half (2 ½) seconds. Dream laughed but helped him up anyways, Sapnap gave him a glare that you knew would go away instantly if you tried to do it back. Making your way down the stairs you find your soon-to-be mother-in-law talking to a girl with black hair with purple and red tints in it.

They seemed to be getting along. Dream instantly pulled you towards him, sword drawn and ready to strike.

"Dream, is Y/N al- Are you alright?" She saw Dream and then you and started examining you for any sign of injury. The girl came over to you, a nice and warm smile on her face.

"Not even a bruise. Wow, Dream you were panicking from the safe room earlier about losing them, yet they're fine." She said looking at him with a look you had to use on Tommy a large amount of the time. The infamous you exaggerated a serious situation and made everyone worried look.

"Zalkhain was there! Was I not allowed to panic?" He motioned towards you like he was your sibling, which you didn't mind.

"Hey! I'm not that bad!" Zalkhain said as they appeared behind your mother-in-law. "I only have one (1) main power, and that's teleportation! Rose is the one you should be worried about, not me!"

"That's true Zalk, that's very true, but we should get going before we cause you any more problems. It was a pleasure, your majesty." The girl - who you now assumed was Rosemary - said as her and Zalkhain disappeared in another set of purple particles. Then you realized something.

"Wait, what about the schedule?" You said, realizing that you were late for the second half (½) of your schedule.

"Oh, all royal events were cancelled, don't worry dearie, now go rest." Emiliana -- your mother-in-law -- said as you let out a sigh of relief. You could tell that she was glad as well. You started your way back up the spiral staircase, when you heard Emiliana call to you. "Make sure Dream sleeps as well, he needs it." You came back down the stairs, grabbed his hand.

You then proceeded to drag him up the stairs, a small amount of payback from when he carried you. Making your way with a wobbly guard, you guided him into your room, then flopped him down on your bed. He started to try and get up from the bed even though he knew that he was tired.

"No. Sleep, I have a mess to clean up out there, you need to sleep. Otherwise I will find a way to get my nephew Fundy in here and make sure you sleep." You say as you point at him. Then he lays back down, and you exit the room.

If you had to be honest with yourself, you really had nothing to do, you just wanted to make sure Dream would sleep without stress. You decided to go to the library to see whether or not you could find a good book to read. You stumbled upon a thin book with a cyan spine. Babbity Rabbity and Her Cackling Stump.

You picked it from the shelf and found a cozy chair to start reading. You started finding yourself being strongly invested in the book and started getting involved in it. You started finding other books like The Fountain of Fair Fortune, or The Warlock's Hairy Heart that kept you occupied until you started to feel tired yourself.

You noted where the books were to show Eret later, then started your way into your room. You remembered that Dream was asleep in your bed, then you remembered that you have a couch that you can sleep on until Dream wakes up. Opening the door quietly, you found that Dream wasn't awake yet, so you were relieved.

You found a small chest with white blankets that you laid out on the couch. You grabbed nice night clothes and went to the bathroom to change. Coming out as silent as a mouse, you laid down on the surprisingly comfortable couch, and fell asleep.


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