Welcome, Ensidionians!

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So, now that you felt quite prideful in your abilities with both flustering Dream, and ignoring every single thought you seemed to have about Dream... It was about time for you to hang out with a bunch of citizens who you don't know.

To be frank, it was quite tempting to just use the box Zalkhain had given you to invite them, but it was for emergencies only. You shouldn't, and wouldn't waste such a valuable item on a ball. Or was it a gala? Honestly, either would work, but you weren't planning to get judged by all of the Falconiers, so it was just "party".

That in itself was still annoying, though. "Just a party" that was going to last all night? Nothing by the title "party" lasts an entire night! Parties are like... an hour, maybe three (3). Not seven (7) hours.

Sapnap had still called it a party, and Sapnap is Sapnap. Sapnap is always right.

Why were you still thinking about the stupid party? It's literally just a party. A party that marks two weeks until you get married... This party was supposed to be a celebration. A celebration of you and George's union.

Although neither of you wanted there to be a need for this party, you would still go through it. You would still pretend to be ecstatic about it. Despite lying to them, and to yourselves, you would do it.

To stop the war. For Tommy and Tubbo to be reunited.

You knew that there would be no stopping yourself from wanting to help as best as you could. You were just that focused on the safety and happiness of your citizens...

In the midst of all the worrying and planning, you hadn't stopped to properly take a break until this morning. This morning was hardly a break, either. Your throat was still sore, and your eyes still burnt from remnants of the tears.

"Y/N," Dream said, his voice forceful, yet gentle. He knew you were a bit out of it today, he just was unsure of the reason. You knew, but were too scared to admit it.

"Yeah? Sorry," you sighed, leaning your forehead against the railings of the overhang. The ballroom was down below you, huge, grand, and full of magenta and dark blue coloring. (Apparently George liked the color palette you and Sapnap decided on, so win for you.)

"You seem out of it. Is everything alright?" Dream said. You nodded, knowing that you could pretend better than anyone, except for Wilbur of course.

"Dream, you don't need to worry about me, I'll be fine." You say, putting a hand on his shoulder. He turned his gaze towards the ballroom below.

"I kinda have to. It's my job." He said with a chuckle.

"True, but then again, shouldn't it also be George's if he's half (½) the reason this is happening?" You say, motioning to the ballroom.

"We all know how stressed he is. He thought it was Monday five times... On a Friday." Dream said, emphasizing the word Friday.

"That's normal." You said, knowing that it's much worse with Wilbur.

"How is that normal? It was Friday." Dream said, throwing his hands in the air.

"One word: Wilbur." You said, noticing a few carriages coming out from the forest. You started down the stairs when you knew it wasn't going to be quick enough.

Instead, you jumped on the railing and started riding it down to the main floor. You had to admit - it was fun. Sprinting as fast as you could, you made your way to the main gate. Watching the carriages pull in; you saw Wilbur, Fundy, Tubbo, and your father get out of the carriages. Then you realized something: where was Sally?

"Hey, Wil!" You called, running toward him. You hugged him tightly, burying your head in his chest for a moment. It was nice to see him again, so you were bound to react like this. Fundy tugged at your pants giddily, staring up at you. You smile at him, then Tubbo. Your smile fell when your eyes reached your father.

He wasn't even looking at you, he was talking to one of the carriage drivers. You sighed before turning your attention back to Tubbo. "Hey, Tubs!" You called to the brown-haired boy, a large grin on your face. "Tom's been pretty lonely without you..."

Tubbo shifted a bit, eyes turning to behind you. He was glaring at Dream, who was now wearing his mask. "Hey, Dre? Could you take Tubs to Tommy's room? I want him to be surprised!" You asked, patting his arms slightly.

"Can I go? Can I go?" Fundy asked cheerfully, tugging on your pant leg again. You figured it would be better to talk to Wilbur, so you nodded in agreement, grinning as Dream opened the castle doors politely for your friend and nephew.

When the door was shut completely and your father still wasn't paying you any mind, you turned back to your older brother suspiciously.

"Wil?" You asked, obvious confusion playing into your voice. "Where's Sally?"

He stiffened immediately, locking eyes with you. They had a shine to their chocolate brown color. One of utter sadness and his feelings of distraught.

Before he even said a word, you knew what his answer was going to be. Silently, you prayed that you were wrong. He had only been married to her for three years. One of those years, she was pregnant. And the other two of those years, she was taking care of their child while he was forced into a large sum of paperwork to prepare him for his kingly future.

"Y/N," he mumbled, his eyes leaving yours and turning to the ground instead. He gulped, the shine in his eyes becoming droplets. Those droplets soon became slow tears rolling down his face. Those tears became larger, and started falling much faster. "Y/N, Sally is... Sally is no longer with us."

Those words hit you like a horse charging full speed at a child.


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