News in the Garden

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You figured it would be better if you weren't bothered when you weren't in the best of moods, so you headed to the garden that you had found what felt like a century ago. Passing through the bushes of leaves, you found a small creek surrounded by rocks, the echo of flowing water lightly filling the clearing. You sit down next to the rocky bank and see that there's a few small multicolored Cichlids swimming close to the surface. If you were honest with yourself, you completely forgot that they existed.

You begin to hum a small tune that randomly comes into your head as you stare into the water. The fish begin to leave small ripples in the water as they move closer to you. Hearing footsteps from the castle, you look back to find that your father was coming.

You hear him mutter to himself in a way that you didn't understand, and you slowly make your way into the bushes. Your father walks through the bush in a similar fashion that you had, and entered what you thought was a safe haven moments before. He sat down and stared into the lake with a look that surprised you. He was questioning something. You weren't sure what it was, or what his answer would be; you just knew that it was important.

"Father?" You ask, a small tone in your voice. He was startled that anyone knew that the garden existed, and let alone in the garden with him.

The man that had yelled at you with such power before, was stuttering on his own words. He took a deep breath, then looked you in the eyes.

"Please sit." He commanded. You knew better than to argue again, but that didn't mean that you had to be nice to him. "I know that you're upset and all that, but please."

"You can be blind. I hope you realize that." You muttered, staring down at the fish once again.

"Could you elaborate why you think that?" He asked with a peaceful and fatherly tone.

"You told everyone that it was selfish to cancel it; when really, the people already were peaceful towards one another. You and Anastazy both ignored that for a marriage; you guys even acted like brothers!" You reply, throwing your hands in the air.

"I know, and I'm sorry for that." Your father said, allowing you to look him in the eyes once again.

"Wait, so what about the wedding?" You ask, now realizing that your father is agreeing with you for once.

"Cancelled, I think. I haven't finalized it with him." Your father replied happily. You couldn't even control your excitement. You lunged at him and hugged him, and felt him hug back.

"Thank you, father." You mutter, feeling a large smile on your face.

"Oh, don't thank me, an old friend of mine had to convince myself and Anastazy." Your father laughed, letting you go. "Why don't you thank him? If I'm not mistaken, he should be with Wilbur." Your father acknowledges, and you begin to run off into the castle to try and find the person that 'saved' you from it.

You run into George passing by (probably to his room to sleep) while you were on your search.

"George, have you heard the news?" You ask, needing him to know that you wouldn't have to put up with him anymore.

"The fact that the baker that we hired for a wedding cake is Aztalkian and willing to work in the castle for free?" George spat. You were beginning to think Rosemary and Zalkhain had broken him.

"I figured that, but no. The wedding is cancelled for good!" You yell, allowing the words to echo.

"Can I finally sleep?" George asked, no change in tone or anything really.

"That's not up to me and you know it." You reply, knowing that he probably would only get around thirty (30) minutes of sleep before Sapnap woke him up again.

You continued your search throughout the castle, but before you could reach Wilbur, you reached an elderly green accomplice.

"What's gotten you in such a happy mood?" Dream asked, stopping you in your tracks.

"The wedding's cancelled!" You reply cheerfully for the second time today.

"Didn't your father disagree?" Dream asked, confused on how the event was cancelled on a day so close to the time it was supposed to happen.

"He needed help from a friend of his that I'm looking for right now actually." You reply with a chuckle, and continue your search once again through the Falconier castle. You heard Dream mutter something as you walked away.

You searched for some time longer when you were beginning to grow tired of walking everywhere. You figured that if you ran into an unfamiliar person in the coming days, you might see whether or not it was them. You began walking towards the kitchen because you figured a celebration cookie would feel amazing; when you ran into Fundy.

"Hi, Y/N!" The small fox yelled as he ran up to you.

"Fundy, have you heard the news?" You ask as you kneel down to him.

"That Miss Rosemary bakes cookies, and that I can have them?" Fundy replied, his tail beginning to wag with excitement.

"Not that, but instead the fact that the wedding is cancelled." You reply cheerfully. "By the way, would you know where your father is?"

"Oh, I think the pigman that was here told him to sleep! Or was that Zalkhain?" Fundy started to question.

"I think it would be better if I didn't search for him then." You reply. Fundy nodded in response. "Now let's grab more cookies."

"Yeah; not all of them though, I think Miss Rosemary wanted some for I think it was Techno, or something." Fundy replied.

You both walk into the kitchen to find Rosemary in her normal apron adding what you assumed was sugar to a batch of cookies in the mixer. You saw a small glass jar that was similar to the one in the bakery that had cookies inside. You looked at Fundy, who instantly nodded at you. You kept a keen eye on Rose while Fundy got the jar of cookies off the shelf. As Fundy was slowly exiting the kitchen.

"Fundy, what did I ask?" Rosemary asked without even giving a glance.

"How did you know!" Fundy yelled. You tried your best to stay silent.

"I have my ways, I am willing to teach some of them to you... If you and Y/N wouldn't steal my extra jars." Rosemary chirped as she normally would, still not paying you a glance.

"Rose, I know that you're Aztalkian and all that, but come on." You complained, getting up and helping Fundy put the jar back.

"Y/N, if I'm going to be honest with you, Zalk and I have had keen senses for a while." Rosemary responded, finally turning around to look you in the eye.

"Wait, so does that mean I can't try and scare them anymore?" Fundy began to complain.

"Oh, I'm sure I can help you with that later, but that's for later. Maybe you could give everyone a cookie instead." Rosemary suggested. You figured that it would help spread the news and let there be happiness throughout the castle.

"Alright, by the way, do you know the person who helped my father come to his senses?" You ask, nearly forgetting the thought.

"Oh, if I had to guess that it was Techno, I was told that he and your father were great friends before he met your mother." Rosemary responded as she started kneading the dough on the lightly floured counter.

"Do you know where he went, I would like to thank him." You questioned.

"I'm not sure, I think he'll want a cookie though." Rosemary chuckled, beginning to roll the dough flat.

"Oh, thanks!" You reply, beginning to take your leave with the jar.

"Anytime, I really would like the jar back though!" She yelled back to you. You paid her no mind and began to walk around the castle once again.


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