A Large Mistake

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You had remembered that the ball would be tonight, and you didn't really have any clothes that would fit the event that weren't already in a suitcase. You went to the one person that wasn't quite as busy - Zalkhain. You dragged them into the library and into the labyrinth of shelves.

"You have ten (10) seconds." Zalk said, maybe they weren't as calm as you originally thought.

"I put all of my clothes in the suitcase without realizing the ball tonight; I need help." You reply in under ten (10) seconds.

"Okay, now we have around five (5) hours. Come on!" They reply, grabbing your wrist and pulling you out of the library once again.

You couldn't allow yourself to catch up to them when the world went into a small purple glitch, nearly like an purple elderly camera; it was then that you found yourself in one of the many places that you had first visited on your first week of being in Falconier. Theo's clothing shop.

"Theo!" Zalk yelled, beginning to walk around the shop.

"Room five (5), I don't have long." She yelled; you followed Zalkhain into a small room that looked similar to the one that you had begun to customize wedding attire. The brown haired girl was finishing a dark aqua dress that looked like it would go to the person's ankles, a similar flower design was being imprinted to it.

"Oh, Y/N, what are you doing here? Zalk you have one (1) second to explain after Y/N." Theo commanded them. It looked like they knew better than to question her.

"I need something for the ball that's coming up, I literally put everything in the suitcase." You explain, still realizing how dumb you were ten (10) minutes ago.

"I have nothing; I simply help." Zalk announced. The brown haired girl simply threw pieces of fabric at them. "Thanks, Theo."

"Alright, I have a few options that I can simply see and adjust." Theo said, walking back down the hall. "I have three (3) that I think will fit well with the occasion. I figure you wouldn't like to freeze when you go back since you're definitely keeping whatever you wear." She began to rant, you could barely comprehend any of it.

Theodore led you down a small hallway and into a room that was filled with rolls of fabric, and many types of clothing. There were three (3) that Theo began to pull from the rest, another finely decorated aqua blue shirt with long sleeves, a mahogany hand knit sweater with small indents of fabric creating a cozy home feeling, and then there was a similar one, except it was in a dark cactus green.

"I think the green one would be best for me." You comment, hoping that it would fit well.

"Oh yes definitely; not sure why I didn't see it before. I think that if I simply......." Theo agreed, then went back into a large closet. "Get a little bit of fur to help it."

The girl nearly looked crazy as she pulled a black overcoat out of the closet and put it on the shirt.

"Oh, well now that fits well. Now let's do normal black dress pants." Zalk chimed, going into a different closet and finding a new pair of black pants.

"Want to try it on?" Theo asked, finally stopping her feet.

"Yeah, let's go." You reply, curious on how it would fit.

You all followed Theodore into another small room that was down the hall. You changed into the sweater and it was quite cozy, and the fur of whatever animal was quite light on your shoulders.

"Yes. Just yes." Zalk said as you came out of the room.

"Needs adjusting, give me three (3) seconds." Theo commanded, you simply stood there as she began adjusting the shirt and coat so that it fit better. "There."

"I think this'll do, thanks." You reply, closing the door to change back into your normal clothing.

You and Zalkhain apparently teleported back to the castle, no one had even realized you disappeared for around five (5) minutes. Now you simply have to kill time for the next few hours until you can finally have fun at the ball.


AGAINST PLANNING // Dream x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя