Odd Ballroom Circumstances

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Theodore had been quite modest and kind -- and hadn't said anything about you wearing Dream's jacket -- while you had been there. You gave and received goodbyes much more quickly than you would have liked.

On the way back to the castle, you had gotten many-a looks that were quite displeasing to both yourself and Dream. Making your way back towards the entrance, you got off the horse to make your way into the secondary dining hall, where your new in-laws - or as you liked to call them, George and Eret's parents - waited for you to arrive.

"Sorry for the interruptions, Ms.Theodore and I were having a nice chat." You say formally, making your way into your designated seat. You had your mother-in-law, to your right, Dream on your left, and your father-in-law across from you.

"Glad to see you made it back. We saw that Dream was panicking outside, we nearly thought you had been kidnapped..." Your soon-to-be father-in-law trailed off, glaring at the jacket that was hugged tightly to you. You glanced at George, who was also staring at you and Dream in what seemed to be practical fury.

"No, I'm completely fine!" You smiled around at everyone, keeping your gaze on Eret longest. "I had just seen a quaint china shop, in which I was heavily affected by some old memories..." You laughed quietly, before shrugging off Dream's jacket.

If it were such a distraction, you would have to deal with the cold.

Eret chuckled quietly as well, seeming lighthearted about the matter. However, when you locked eyes with them, he was certainly worried. "Oh, dear!" Her mother cooed, grabbing your hand closest to her. "I'm so sorry, Y/N, sweetie!"

You waved her concern (along with Eret, despite their concern being a different type) away. "I'm alright, don't worry!" You stated vaguely.

After a short while of nothing but meaningless conversation between all of you, some of the chefs brought in the first part of the meal. On the way here, you and Tommy had only been living off of small rations, so you had almost forgotten that there were almost always multiple course meals within castles.

The first was only the salad, which was a bit irregular from what you remembered. Usually, the salad was served as a side to the main course. When you had mentioned it, George had just laughed at you and stated that there was always something better to come here.

So, yeah, you have your salad now. You were each contently eating your food, until you noticed Dream not eating. "Dream?" You refrained from using his nickname. You were certain that your coward and his father wouldn't be pleased by it.

"Look away, please." He said, nearly a whisper. You were confused on why he asked you such a question, but you obeyed anyway, not to look awkward.

"Alright, well then, how do things look for the decoration of the ballroom, George?" Eret's mother asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"I think it's going to be the best thing that has ever happened since the war. However, the flower baskets have not come in yet." George announced. You could tell that he wasn't happy about the event, but he tried to act proud of it anyway.

"I believe that Mihalis told me that their tulips are nearly in bloom, so they should be in by tomorrow." George's father said, you didn't have a thing for tulips anyways, you mainly liked daffodils.

"Good, that means that everything should be on schedule." George said, calmly waiting for everyone to change the subject. An odd silence surrounded the table now, you could tell that no one liked it, but couldn't do anything about it.

Suddenly, without thinking, you whispered something that only Dream could hear: "Sapnap would cure this painful silence."

And cure the silence he did... by bursting in through the doors, breathing heavily and yelling: "IT'S THE AZTALKIANS! WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!"


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