Past, Present, and Not so Much Future

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It's been a few days, three (3) at the very least, since you had gotten your hopes up about destroying this marriage once and for all. Now... Now, it was two (2) days until your wedding, and you weren't sure how you were even dealing with it.

You remembered the moment your dreams were shattered, almost like it was a few minutes before now.

"Y/N," the king of Ensidione, your father, had the most frigid voice when he was angry. Well, he was certainly angry. That was proof enough in his actions, the way he held himself in front of you. His arms were rigid at his sides; his shoulders heaved for a while, then fell back slowly. He was frightening when he was angry.

"Y/N, we're doing this for the nation. My people-- your people. You're just going to destroy all hopes at peace?" He demanded, voice getting louder and deeper with every word. "Selfish! Selfish, I say."

What hurt you the most, though, was throughout that entire time in the council room.. The entire time your father -- does he even deserve that name anymore? -- had been shouting... No one had stopped him. They had only sat and watched as he tore into you and broke you down.

Anastazy was there, too. You had expected him to at least be a bit more welcoming to the idea of the marriage's discontinuation. All he had done was stare into the distance, with the occasional nod or shake of his head.

It was a fruitful attempt, anyways. You had already known your father wouldn't have agreed, and Anastazy seemed so into pleasing your father that it wasn't funny. He must have thought it was the only way to make your father happy and to stop the war.

Honestly, you weren't sure how to disagree with that view. It basically would be the only way considering how sensitive your father was since your mother had begun her travelling. He was so much happier when she was around. Now, he was just... a little emotional, you assumed. He had the right, of course, but you didn't think he had the right to take it all out on you and your brothers.

Your lips, from now on, were going to be sealed shut. No longer would you speak out, for you've learned better. There was no reason to. You knew what would come of it, and had now decided that it was not what you wanted.

"Y/N?" Tommy's voice (loud and cheerful as always) broke your concentration. "Y/N, are you alright?" He asked, leaning toward you in worry. His hand lightly landed on top of yours, silently on the table below.

"Yeah," you replied immediately, shaking your head and pulling your hand away from his. "I'm okay, Tommy! Don't worry about me!" You chuckled and rubbed the back of your neck slowly, anxiously.

He raised an eyebrow in skepticism. "Obviously not," he spat quietly, crossing his arms. "Was it that meeting you had? A few days ago, right?" He asked, leaning back in his chair, letting the two front legs hover for a bit.

You sighed and nodded. Immediately, he had caught you. It was that annoying little brother thing that they all knew how to do. "Yeah, it's because of that... stupid meeting." He nodded back, despite knowing nothing about what the meeting was about.

"Assuming it didn't go your way is the best bet, huh?" He queried quietly, letting the chair legs hit the floor again with a slam. You scoffed and rolled your eyes, which he mockingly repeated. "Don't get sassy with me, Y/N. I'm not dad."

Quietly, you responded, knowing nothing else to say: "I know Tommy. Please, if you do end up like him, be like him when momma was around." When you glanced back up at your brother, you saw him swallow hard and mouth the words I'll do my best before he stood from his chair and left you alone in the dining hall again.

Two (2) more days. You reminded yourself silently, staring out the window across the table. Only two (2) more days. Then I can finally just.. Finally stop worrying about the future.

Though, as always, you knew it wouldn't be that easy. Instead, it would only get harder as you worried more and more about the past.


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