Sugar Cookies and Karl

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So, lunch was pleasant. George spoke to you in a much kinder tone than usual -- though you assumed it was due to Sapnap and Eret's presence. You were happy it had happened, though, it was cool that he was being nice.

Now, you were stuck doing the one thing you were certain would cause a large amount of obesity: cake testing. But, it was the last thing you had to do before the party that evening. You figured you'd deal with the feeling of being bigger than you were for a small while.

When you and Sapnap arrived at the bakery you were apprised to go to, Sapnap froze in the doorway. "Why are you here?" He exclaimed, jogging into the bakery in a childlike way. You peeked around the corner of the doorway. In your sight Sapnap with his arms wrapped around a stranger.

"Hey, Sap!" The other man laughed boisterously. His laugh was nice, and contagious. After a small while, you caught yourself chuckling along with him. Sapnap soon let go of the new fellow and turned back to you with a large grin.

"Y/N, meet my old friend, Karl!" Sapnap called, gesturing for you to come further into the bakery. Karl waved at you, you waved back. Sapnap looked between the both of you for a split second in slight confusion before shrugging.

"Karl, you still haven't answered my question." Sapnap pointed out, pointing an accusatory finger at the brown haired man. "Why are you working in a Falconier bakery?"

Karl chuckled again, shaking his head, his hair fanning in waves around his face. "Am I not allowed to pay my friend a visit?" Karl asked, tilting his head now. You could tell that they hadn't seen each other in a while; so you stayed silent and still.

"It still doesn't explain why you're workin' for the bakery." Sapnap stated yet again. He leaned against the counter with a large grin.

"Well, Quackity is a bit sick right now. I need to make money somehow, you know?" Karl rubbed the back of his neck slightly anxiously. At the mention of the unfamiliar name, Sapnap's grin disappeared.

"What?" Sapnap asked quietly. You could see the wave of fear hitting him like a snowball. You put a hand on his shoulder to try and calm him down.

"Oh, it's nothing serious, it's just the flu." Karl said with a chuckle. Sapnap looked like he was still processing, so you poked his shoulder to bring him back to reality. Then he just walked away from both of you, and out the front door.

"Karl, you're dead to me!" He yelled as he went out of the glass doors.

"Karl, cakes are nearly done," a girl -- who looked suspiciously like Rosemary -- called, coming out of the kitchen. She wiped her hands on her dark purple apron and glanced up at you. "Oh, they're already here."

Sapnap stiffened before pulling Karl next to you and standing threateningly in front of yourself and the taller male. He had his sword pulled out in front of him, staring at the woman in the purple apron.

"What are you doing here, Dawson?" He spoke with such a venom to his voice that you couldn't help but shrink away slightly.

"Dawson?" The woman asks, wringing her hands in front of her. "I'm sorry, sir, but I know no Dawsons. My name is Elizabeth. Elizabeth Laverna."

"But- No one-" He stammered for a moment, dropping his sword's edge. "No one in Falconier has purple hair?"

Karl coughed loudly next to you, and flipped some of his hair around. There were obvious purple streaks all throughout (that had been difficult to see far away, but they were quite obvious now).

"Oh." Was all Sapnap could say. He silently sheathed his sword, and looked away from you in shame.

You put your hand on his shoulder again, a small, understanding smile present on your face. "It's okay, Sap. You were just trying to protect us, but... got a bit confused, yanno? Everyone does it!"

His eyes shined for a moment, and his smile returned. He nodded and turned back to Elizabeth. "I apologize for my misconception, Ms. Laverna."

Elizabeth smiled and waved her hand dismissively at him. "Don't worry about it. Just as the Sovereign said, everyone makes mistakes. Don't drag yourself on 'em."

He stiffened again, but shook his head a couple of times to loosen up. Her words had hit him hard, and you assumed it might have something to do with the attic thing.

Karl looked between everyone in the store for a moment before speaking cheerfully. "Let's do some cake testing, shall we?"


You had been at this store for at least forty-two minutes. You and Sapnap decided on just getting a multi-layered vanilla cake (that way no one complained) with dark blue buttercream frosting. As Liz was about to box the cake, Sapnap had asked if she could add some gold decorations to it to match the theme. She kindly accepted it, and said she would do so when she made the real one for the wedding.

Apparently this was just to make sure everyone else liked your chosen cake.

Then you had an array of cupcakes chosen out. You preferred the chocolate, red velvet, and strawberry, but Sap had gotten lemon and raspberry cupcakes just in case. He knew the Falconier royal family better than you did, so you were alright with it.

You were fairly certain that you knew the choices of your own family and friends though. Fundy and Tommy would get chocolate, Niki and Tubbo would get red velvet, Sally and Wilbur would choose strawberry, and your father would eat the normal cake.

Karl took a cookie from a jar and put the lid on when Liz wasn't looking, Sapnap gasped.

"What? Karl you're going to get fired if you do that!" Sapnap whispered whilst Liz was still making icing.

"We're allowed to eat the cookies in the jars every once in a while, you realize that, right?" Karl said after he finished chewing the cookie.

"Yep. However, if you take more than 10 per day, it's fifty cents, or you can buy them in sheets later." Liz said as she went into the storage room to grab more sugar.

"Huh, well then I'm definitely going to take one. Want one, Sap?" You said as you took the jar off the shelf. Sapnap nodded in agreement, so you grabbed two cookies. You realized that it was all sugar cookies, so you gladly ate them.

You found that the cakes were very good and that you could tell that Eret would enjoy coming here later, but you had to leave to attend to your other royal duties.


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