Fundy's Return!

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You woke up in your bed, a large headache instantly making your head hurt. You sat up and heard talking outside your door, and Fundy asleep on the couch. At least he looked like he was asleep, the moment he saw you were up, he shot up and jumped on the bed to see you.

"Hi Y/N! You passed out earlier, are you alright?" The small fox said, the tone of excitement filling the room.

"I think I'm okay. Just a little tired, but that's all." You said, trying not to make him worry.

"Okay. I'm going to go get dad now." Fundy said, jumping off the bed. Before you could even respond, he was out the door and somewhat dragging Wilbur and Dream into the room.

"Y/N!" Wilbur cried in relief, wrapping his arms around your neck. "You just passed out... Dad caught you right before you hit the ground." He explained, taking and letting go of another deep breath.

Speaking of your father, he was standing in the doorway behind Dream, staring in a forlorn way at you, silently pleading to come in. You would have let him if he hadn't just nodded at Dream and left quietly, though.

Wilbur let you go and Dream immediately went in for the kill, yanking you half-ways from the bed. "I was worried about you," he whispered to you. "I would've felt guilty if you came down with something, yanno?... Even if you'd gotten hurt in general, I would've felt horrible." His head was buried in the crook of your neck, and his breath was hot even through your clothes.

"I know," you respond, patting his shoulder lightly. "And you know how horrible I felt when you got sick."

"Yeah..." Dream said.

"There's cupcakes downstairs! Come on!" Fundy screamed as he yanked you away from Dream.

You let him drag you down the stairs, knowing from past experience that if you didn't you would get injured, and you knew that no one wanted that right now. The small fox dragged you through the crowds to find a table with three (3) displays of cupcakes on it.

There was what seemed like red velvet cupcakes with chocolate frosting, a small amount of gold sprinkles on top. Then there was one that looked like a shoreline with yellow cake and a light blue frosting with small red sparkles on it. Then you saw that there was one with a lighter red cake, with a set of red and magenta icing on top.

You decided to take a red velvet cupcake, since you knew that everyone else would like something different. You saw Fundy take one of the small paper cards that were on the table. You picked one up yourself and read it. All cakes are made by Rosemary's.Then it had the address of the bakery you went to earlier that same day.

You were barely able to take a bite out of your cupcake when Fundy dragged you away from the table and over into a side room that was filled with old instruments. Fundy started to giggle like crazy as you started to analyze your surroundings. You glared at him to see what he did.

"What did you do?" You say, knowing better than to be lenient with him, otherwise all you would get would be giggles.

"I told Dad that we're going to play hide and seek!" Fundy said cheerfully. You instantly knew that this was going to be fun, and that you're going to need some help, from Sapnap.


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