Only Hours

422 27 6


It's been about four (4) days since the cancellation of the wedding. The citizens had taken it quite well, and that was certainly better than your father was expecting. Technoblade had, the entire time, told him that everything was going to be alright, and that they never wanted it to be forced anyways.

Boy, was that man right.

Now, it was a day before you and your family's departure back to Ensidione, and you didn't want to leave. You were on the verge of tears just packing your bags full of the items you had brought with you here and those you had gained along the way. For example, you now had a simple green tunic (which you were told not to wear until you returned home); a tanned jacket lined with lynx fur (which you knew was going to prove quite useful); then there was a small, bronze locket Sapnap had given you while in tears; then you still had the small, glass box Zalkhain had given to you forever ago. You doubted you'd need that last one anymore considering they were living within your own castle now, but you never knew.

Above all of those wonderful gifts, there was one that stood out. You had been within the kingdom to witness George's coronation, which had gone perfectly according to plan. Until the end, when he had motioned for you to join him at the front. When you had made your way up (very anxious and very uncomfortable), he had knelt before you and offered you the crown.

"Y/N of Ensidione," He had said, a kind smile on his face. It was the first one you'd seen since your arrival in the Falconier Empire. "This crown has been within my family for centuries upon centuries. My maturity would not be at the level it is at now without your words to me at the beginning of this... Endeavor, I would say! I thank you for that. I present to you the greatest Falconier honor: the crown I should hold upon my head. I trust you will keep it better guarded than I could."

That crown had its own box, too. It sat, cushioned in velvet, a visual reminder of what you hated to leave. A group of wonderful people who had pretended for this long to be your second family. At this point, could it even be called pretending? Anastazy and Emilana were practically your second parents, constantly worrying about you and what you were doing. George and Eret were the annoying older siblings you'd always have, but never knew you'd needed. (Sure, Wilbur had that title, too, but he was always preoccupied with his son and kingly duties). Sapnap was like the best friend you'd ever had, and you'd give your own life for his happiness.

Then there was Dream. You weren't quite sure where he fit into this web you've been creating mentally all this time. Then, ironically, as you folded another silk pair of pants, you heard Zalkhain scream something outside your room. "HOLY CRAP, LOVE INTEREST MUCH?" They then cackled, which got louder and louder until you knew they were in your room.

"Hey, Y/N!" They giggled, trying their best to smother the laughter they were obviously filled with. "I was told to inform you of the farewell banquet tonight! Dream said that if you'd like, you could wear that green tunic today!" You looked back at them with a suspicious eyebrow raised, but their eyes were genuine.

"If you say so," you reply, then pull the green shirt out of the bag. It was a nice material, and was considerably looser than most shirts people owned. It was now that you noticed slight mess ups in the stitching of fabric together. "Who... made this?"

"Oh, um.. I-" You turned toward the door, where in Zalkhain's place was now the familiar pale face of Dream. He rubbed the back of his neck anxiously, and flushed red. "I did.. It's pretty bad, I know."

"No! No, it isn't bad!" You replied, frantically waving your hands at him. He looked up, eyes awfully hopeful for someone who was meant to be an unfeeling soldier.

"It isn't?" He asked quietly, his hands dropping from the back of his neck. He glanced suspiciously at the cloth in your hands, wanting to make sure you were looking at the same thing he had made.

"No, of course not! It's sweet that you attempted making it!" You replied, giggling quietly and clinging to the shirt like your life depended on it. He took a few steps into the room, a grin on his face.

"So... You'll wear it?" He asked quietly— hopefully. You smiled back at him and nodded. Of course you were going to wear it! Anything that would make him happy, you would do.

Immediately after thinking that, you flushed bright red and used your spare hand to rub your face angrily for giving you away so quickly. Dream didn't seem to notice it, so you used it as an opportunity to forget it, too.You laid the shirt on the bed next to the suitcase and continued to fold the clothes; accept you now you did it with large amounts or aggression.

It had been around ten (10) minutes since your small encounter with Dream that you heard a set of clicks and clunks coming towards your room. You knew better than to look, far too focused on the clothing. You felt something nudge against your legs. Looking down, you see the same dog that dragged your masked accomplice in weeks before.

"Oh, well hello there." You mutter. The dog -- whose large amber eyes you had forgotten -- jumped onto the bed and laid down next to your suitcase. "Do you not want to stay, or not want me to leave?"

The dog, as if it could understand you, grabbed the green shirt off of the bed with it's mouth and turned towards you. You grabbed the shirt from it with ease.

"Dream?" You question, looking at the dog with confusion. The dog nodded (or at least that's what it looked like) at you and then licked your hand. "Me?"

The dog stood up on its hind legs to reveal a collar with its name, Fetch; the dog also put his front two (2) paws together.

"Really?" You say, looking at Fetch with a look on your face that said the same.

The dog jumped off the bed and ran out of the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts. Your current thoughts felt like a crowd. Not wanting to deal with your own thoughts, you walked out of the room and down the spiral staircase, hoping that maybe a small cookie could help lighten your thoughts.


AGAINST PLANNING // Dream x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora