Caught With No Crime

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You had finally found the exit after wandering the grid halls for at least half an hour. The air was cold, and more-or-less a blessing to you after those dreadful hours within the castle. Once you stepped foot outside, you finally felt a sense -- even though small, it was a sense -- of freedom.

You glanced around, spotted the tanned man who shot you a quizzical look. You waltzed up to him with a smile pointed at the gates behind him. "Hello there, sir! If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to visit the forest."

He stayed silent for a moment, pondering over your question. "Have you received permission from Dream?" He asked, sighing quietly. He probably already knew your answer, so he began moving from the gate.

"Of course I did!" You lied, much more than through your teeth. He nodded begrudgingly and pushed the gate open. It swung with a loud creak, leading way to the village surrounding the castle.

You smiled politely at him, whispered a thank you, and set out yet again. The village was much more colorful and vibrant than it had been when you and Tommy had arrived. People were bustling around through the market, children were running up and down the streets, laughing and yelling as loud as they could.

It was nice to see some happiness -- and people -- for a change. This was much better than sitting alone in your room in the cold Ensidione castle.

Now, just how did you reach the forest around these shops and people? That was the biggest mystery of them all, since the forest crossed over on itself to make a literal maze.

You found yourself enjoying a nice spring in the middle of the forest. There was nothing to bother you here, not even a fly, which surprised you a lot, since this was a forest. After around 10 minutes of simply enjoying the silence, you decided to head back before anyone found out you were gone.

Crawling through the vines that hung from the trees to the roots, that emerged quite often from the ground, you found yourself right where you started. Calmly walking through the small gap between you and the tan man, you found yourself in a very social mood for once.

"Hi, I never got your name," you state, leaning against the wall next to him. He raises a brow and laughs quietly, nodding slowly at what you had pointed out.

"Yeah, I guess that's right, huh?" He closed his eyes, leaning back toward the sun more. No wonder he had such a gorgeous tan, you know? "I'm Sapnap: second hand man of Dream."

"The guide?" You asked quietly, laughing in what seemed to be confusion. "What are you second hand man to him for?"

Sapnap laughed louder and harder, raising a curious brow at you. "Sovereign Y/N-"

"Just Y/N." You cut him off with a courteous smile, then gestured for him to continue. His face brightened slightly as he did.

"Y/N, do you really think that Dream is just a guard?" He asked, leaning forward, amber colored eyes catching the light of the bright sun. You felt slightly intimidated by how he was leaning toward you, eyes shining brightly in a blaze.

"Well... Maybe?" You suggested with a shrug. Who were you kidding, though? You doubted that any normal person would be tasked with watching yourself and Tommy. You sighed and looked away, spotting Tommy's bright red shirt in the distance.

"Of course he isn't, Sapnap." You muttered in defeat, keeping your eyes on your brother intently.

"That is quite correct, sovereign Y/N." A new voice joined the fray. Dream's voice. "I am far from just a guide."

You looked back at him as he adjusted his mask to properly sit on his face. "They've gathered that much, Dre." Sapnap laughed, straightening his stance again. Dream seemed almost frustrated by the nickname, but only shrugged it off.

"Sovereign, you told me you would be spending the rest of the day within the library," he turned toward you, nodding his head slightly toward you. "What happened to that plan?"

"Sapnap just seemed like more fun!" You stated defensively, crossing your arms. You silently pleaded that Sapnap wouldn't say anything about where you really went, and luck was graciously on your side.

"Yup! They've been talking to me about random things for a while!" Sapnap nodded with a grin flashing across his tanned face. Dream nodded his head skeptically and looked away toward where Tommy was.

"I'm surprised that you didn't just follow Tommy out into the woods," he said loudly. Tommy looked back from where he was with some village cats, and smiled sheepishly with a small wave.

"Tommy never went out to the woods." Sapnap interjected, smiling broadly and slightly smugly. "But, sure, think what you want." Dream sighed and placed his hand on your shoulder, leading you away from the influence of Sapnap.

"I forgot to show you which room was yours. I had purposely avoided the corridor of rooms for that exact purpose." You nodded with a smile and followed him silently.


AGAINST PLANNING // Dream x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now