Family Bonding, As They Call It

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Eventually, you found both magenta and gold colored decorations. The entire time you and Sapnap were looking around, however, he was shuddering. You couldn't tell if it was just cold or if it were something else.

Regardless of that, you had found all possible decor in your wanted colors -- which was quite a lot. Sapnap bundled as much of the decor in his arms as he could, and bounded out. He, for a reason unbeknownst to you, hated it in the large (and dusty) attic.

You did, too, of course. You were sure that there was no one who wouldn't hate the Falconier castle's attic. It was just different for Sapnap, though, and you weren't sure why. Sure, you wanted to know, but you also didn't want to intrude. So, you'll stay in the dark until he was willing to talk.

You followed him out, two totes of decorations stacked on top of each other. Sapnap was already gone, but it didn't bother you too much. Finding that most of the decorations could fit well above the atler, you helped the maids create a beautiful centerpiece that suited the purpose of the event. It wasn't long after you were finished decorating that you had to move on to the next banquet.

This banquet was only with George and Eret, or as one of the maids called it, "marriage bonding time." Pushing your way through the dark oak doors to find that George was late -- which you were quite happy about if you were honest -- and Eret was trying to count the stripes in the wooden table.

"Eret, what are you doing?" You said as you sat down across from them. He didn't respond, still trying to count the stripes. She eventually lost count and gave up.

"Sorry, just got farther than last time, so how's the decoration coming along?" Eret asked, turning their attention back to you.

"It looked rather sad when I got there, it was all bland and lifeless. That's not surprising, though. George designed it after all." You said. Both you and Eret got a chuckle out of it. George came through the dark oak doors, stress visible from all angles.

"Sorry I'm late, the carriage wasn't there so I had to walk." George said as he sat down. You could tell that he was stressed out about everything that was going on. He was trying too hard to make everything good for everyone's circumstances.

"No worries, George! Now, does anyone know what we're eating? 'Cause I sure don't." Eret said, trying to lighten the mood. You honestly didn't know, and you definitely knew George didn't.

The moment silence took over the room, it was pushed back out by the maids serving beef roast with carrots and potatoes, saturated completely by the simmering broth.

You all ate in a strange silence that dawned the room. You could tell that no one was going to break it, scared of what could happen if they did. You finished the meal with silence still present, you could tell that no one wanted it, so you looked at Eret, who looked back, then nodded at one another. You slightly glared at George, then tapped with your heel one (1) two (2) three (3).

You both kicked the legs of George's seat in the same tempo that you had tapped your heel in. George instantly got up, but you both looked at him like he was crazy. He sat back down with an embarrassed look on his face. You looked at Eret, this time he was trying to hold back a laugh. He nodded and you tapped your heel at a slower tempo one (1) two (2) three (3).

You kicked again, this time in the opposite direction from last time. George shot up again and looked at the chair. You both pulled your feet away from his view as fast as possible, barely making it.

"Something is going on with my chair, it keeps bouncing or something." He said as he sat back down. You could tell that Eret couldn't hold the laughter in long enough for another full set of kicks, so instead you tapped your heel at the fastest tempo you could manage one (1) two (2) three (3) four (4).

You kicked in the direction you first kicked in while Eret kicked in the opposite direction. You kicked it until George shot up. George looked under the table and saw both your and Eret's feet.

"Really?" George said as he sat back down. You and Eret burst into laughter.

Through the laughter you saw Sapnap come through the doors to see now all three (3) of you laughing at one another.

"You guys had fun without me? Laaaame." He said as he pulled a chair out to sit in. That was when you had the best idea ever.

You nodded to Eret and George once you all stopped laughing, and they nodded back. You tapped your heel lightly against the floor at a very slow tempo one (1) two (2) three (3). You kicked Sapnap's seat once. He looked down, a confused look on his face. The moment he looked across the table, you kicked again. He pushed the seat away and looked at the floor.

"What in the world?" Sapnap whispered under his breath. You all waited until he moved the chair back to strike again.

This time he shot up like George and watched the chair like a child with a lollipop.

"What's wrong, Sapnap?" George said as he tried to put on a confused face.

"The chair is weird." Sapnap said, keeping a keen eye on the chair.

"That happened to me as well, not sure what keeps happening though." He said. Sapnap sat back down, very aware of the chair.

You nodded to Eret, they nodded back. You hit the table lightly once. You kicked George's chair while Eret kicked Sapnap's chair. Both of them jumped back up again. George locked eyes with you, and you could feel Sapnap staring at you, too.

"Well..." You spoke quietly. "Your opinions have a flaw: I could have only kicked one of your chairs. I only have two feet." You were blunt with the statement, and George's eyes turned to his sibling next to him.

Eret raised her hands in defense. "George, I love you too much to kick you!" He grinned wider, knowing completely well that George wouldn't believe them.

"Yeah, right, Eret." George groaned, flopping back into the chair. "Your shoes are pointer than Y/N's are," he observed, glancing down at your feet. "I certainly didn't feel any sharp pains, did you, Sapnap?"

"Now that you mention it..." Sapnap rubbed his calf slowly, sitting back down. "Eret, why did you have to kick me so hard?" He whined quietly, getting everyone at the table to laugh yet again.


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