You followed him, and couldn't help but notice Felix glancing back at Elsa every few seconds.

A Few Moments Later

When you saw the other people, you smiled. Among the dozens of humans and demi-humans, you noticed Crusch and Anastasia.

Among the crowd was also a decent amount of Lugnican knights, which meant that Reinhard and Julius might be there.

Crusch noticed when Wilhelm led your group to everyone else, and she made her way towards you.

She was wearing her formal attire, but her face no longer matched the clothes. Instead of the confident woman that used to wear it, Crusch was now a gentle girl who was unsure of her every step.

Seeing this change again was heartbreaking, but you once again used regret to steel your resolve for the future.

As she approached your group, she waved her hand in greeting. "Hello, everyone! I hope that you have been well since we last met."

Emilia chuckled at that. "Crusch-san, there were sooo many things that happened! Where do I even start?!"

Crusch looked taken aback, and Wilhelm nodded his head. "That is a very apparent fact. Would you like to inform the entire assembly during negotiations, or would you rather keep your business as private as possible?"

Otto was the first one to answer. "In my opinion, it would be best to announce the changes in this camp at the very beginning of the assembly, since it would make the biggest impact if it is explained before the other colossal feats."

That made sense, and Emilia agreed. 

"Very well then," Crusch replied. "All of the participants are here, right?" Felix and Wilhelm nodded their heads, and she continued. "In that case, I believe we should start!"

She walked away with Wilhelm and Felix and you were left with the Emilia camp, which was getting some looks from around the crowd.

The trio made their way to the center of the gathering, and silence fell over the dozens of people after a loud "Attention!" from Crusch.

Seeing that she had successfully become the focus of the group, Crusch exclaimed, "Seeing as we are all here now, the negotiations will begin! First... we..."

All the confidence that Crusch had mustered disappeared as she realized that she had no clue as to what she should say next. 

She was saved by a shorter woman, who had distinctive purple hair. "If I may-" Crusch nodded her head and stepped to the side as Anastasia Hoshin took the limelight.

"Firstly, thank you all for comin'! It is so much easier to make deals when the people involved show up! Now, I believe that Crusch-san was sayin' that we need ta begin with the biggest issue, which is the White Whale. If ya don't know how it was slayed, then here's a short summary: Subaru-kun made a deal with Crush-san. He gave 'er the exact time and place that the White Whale would appear next, which was in this exact spot eighteen days ago, and the shared rights for the magic stones in Elior Forest in return for an alliance between the Emilia camp, the Karsten camp, and my camp."

As Anastasia recounted the past events, all of the mentioned people nodded their heads. You hadn't been mentioned yet, but that was because you were more of a behind the scenes kind of guy for this part.

"An' so my mercenaries, Crusch-sama's soldiers, the Sword Saint, and Subaru and (Y/N) from the Emilia camp prepared to subjugate the White Whale. The result was, of course, success, with minimal casualties. So now, we need ta discuss the distribution of credit of this feat, an' we need ta figure out what we're doin' with the body."

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