Not By Blood, By Choice

Começar do início

Dorogoy: xx

I hop into the Mustang, Wanda likes the car so might as well keep using it especially if I get to see her smile everytime she sees it. I make my way to the local ice cream parlor that sells ice cream by the gallons. I pull up at the front of the shop, the colorful sign Barton Family Ice cream welcoming me into the shop.

"Y/n!" The small child dashes towards me jumping into my arms as I spin him around, tickling his tummy until he is squirming to get away.

"Nathaniel! How are you trouble?" I place him back onto the ground and he wraps his arms and legs around my right leg and sits his butt on my shoe. 

"Did I hear you say Y/n?" I see Lila poke her head around the kitchen doorway and dashes over to me, hugging around my side before copying Nathaniel's position. I now have two little monsters wrapped around my legs.

"Hello Lila, How are you doing, angel?" She beems up at me at the nickname.

"I'm good, thank you. How are you?" She rests her chin on my knee as she looks up at me, so I ruffle some of her hair and she scowls at me.

"I'm good, thank you. Just here to grab some ice cream for me and a friend. Where is your other broth…?" Before I can finish my sentence I feel another little body wrap their arms around me but this time jumping on my back, luckily I stop myself from falling forward catching myself on the table next to me. "Woah, careful there Cooper I would have squished your siblings if I had fallen."

"Is that a bad thing?" He asks as he rests his chin on my shoulder.

"Yes it would." I look back to him sending him a wink and he muffles his laugh on my shoulder.

"Come on children, be careful. What have I said about these surprise attacks." Laura enters the room, hands on her hips trying to be stern but she can't help the small smile that grows on her face when she sees her children clinging to me.

"It's okay mom. How are you?" Now Laura makes her way over to me and hugs me from the front resting her head on my unoccupied shoulder.

"I'm well. You?" I use my left arm to rub up and down her back gently.

"I'm doing good, better even."



I turn my head to look at the office as I hear the door close, and smile when I see the men who took me in when I was helpless enter the room. His eyes light up when he sees me and I see him almost melt at the sight of his family in a group cuddle. I use my free hand to wave him over to join in the group cuddling session. Clint wraps his arms around his wife lifting his chin to rest on the top of Laura's head. I like this, this is nice. 

"How are you honey?" Clint's voice is gentle, keeping the atmosphere calm in the cuddle.

"I'm good, thank you Dad. What about you? Keeping busy?" 

"Always. No rest for the wicked." We all let out a small laugh as we know he gets at least two days off during the week, but will still do paperwork.

Also I know what you're thinking. Laura my mom, Clint my dad! How because you're sisters with Carol? Yes I am. Clint and Laura are my mom and dad, not by blood but by choice. When Carol left at 16 to join the Air Force shit went downhill for me, but long story short I ran away from home at 12. Laura found me, and offered a place to stay because I was definitely not going back home. When I turned 18 they officially adopted me after I was estranged from my parent. 

Anyway….that's a story for another chapter…

"Alright, come on I have places to be I'm afraid. Just came here to get me and my friend some ice cream." Laura and Clint let go of me but the children remained wrapped around me so I shuffle across the shop floor making sure not to hurt the two children attached to my leg as I walk. Thank god for the gym.

"A friend, or a friend." Laura asks with a knowing smirk.

"A friend, I hope." I feel Nathaniel pull on my pant trouser, so look down giving him my full attention  

"What's the difference between friend and friend, because friend means friend." I look up to Laura to see if she is going to help me with this one but she just shrugs, great. I look back down to Nathaniel, I can see Lila with a small smirk and I can feel Cooper giggle into my shoulder.

"Well Nat a friend is like someone you hang out with, like Morgan from school. A friend is someone who is a bit more special and you want to do more than hang out." He hums out as he thinks about my answer, which probably wasn't very good.

"So you like a friend, but want to love a friend. Like mommy and daddy, or you and Steph, or you and Sarah!" I swallow the lump in my throat as Nathaniel smiles up at me.

"You remember Sarah." I look up at Clint and Laura who loom sympathetically at me.

"Yes. She was so pretty. Like a pretty princess." 

"She was, wasn't she?" I look up at the ceiling trying to stop the tears from falling.

"Right children that's enough, you have homework to do, so, upstairs. Say goodbye to y/n." Laura claps her hands to hurry the children along as they all give me hugs and small goodbyes and watch as they disappear upstairs. "I'm sorry about Nat, he doesn't quite understand."

"It's okay. Just surprised me he remembered he would have been like 2 when he first met her." She nods with a small smile. "Anyway. Could I get a tub of pumpkin ice cream, a plain chocolate one and also caramel." 

Laura turns to get the ice cream from the freezer, I turn to Clint who has an unreadable expression until it turns into a sad smile and he makes his way over to me bringing me into a tight hug. I finally let the tears fall, and a small sob escapes my mouth. He rubs his hands up and down my back, as I bury my face into his neck as he gently tries to calm me down.

"I miss her dad. So fucking much. I mean I can go for so long and be happy, but then some days I can't even leave the bed. It's been two years." 

"I know kiddo, I know. Nothing I can say will help but I am here whenever you need, and if you ever have a day where you can't move please phone me so I can at least feed you. Promise me you will call." He cups my face with his hands bringing it down as he stands on his tiptoes leaving a peck on my forehead.

"I promise dad." I wipe the tears from my gave, recovered from my little moment as Laura walks in with the three tubs of ice cream. She walks over to me also giving me a small peck, but on the cheek as she is even smaller than Clint. 

"Now does this new friend of yours know anything?" Laura questions.

"No, we have known each other for a week. I'm not ready."

"And that's okay. Just make sure you do tell her, she will figure something is out next month or so, when you disappear to visit her." Clint speaks softly as he gives me fatherly advice.

"I will dad. Thank you." A take in a deep breath, taking the ice cream from Laura. "Right, I'm off. I will see you next week for dinner. Love you mom, love you too dad."

"We love you sweety. Be safe." Laura blows me a kiss as I leave the ice cream parlor. Time to get to Wanda's. 

I climb into my car once again releasing a sob, louder than the last, just glad I had slightly tinted windows so no one outside the car could really see me. I hit the steering wheel a couple of times, hard, until I heard and felt a pop. I placed my free hand over my mouth muffling the small pained shout I let out, as I most definitely just dislocated my thumb. 

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Resting my forehead against the top of the steering wheel preparing for what I had to do next, I am not going to Wanda's with a dislocated thumb and I am most definitely not going to hospital. 

I sit back in my seat taking a few deep breaths as I grab the tip of my thumb in my other hand. I put my fingers of my damaged hand between my legs, squeezing them shut so it wouldn't move about so much when I popped it back in place.

"1...2...3…" I gritted my teeth as I heard and felt another pop, now able to move my thumb. It was sore, but it was no longer dislocated. A few tears escaped my eyes which I wiped away quickly looking in the mirror to check my make-up.

Thank God for waterproof make-up.


Word Count: 2150

Who's Sarah? What secrets is y/n keeping from Wanda?

Just Us - Wanda Maximoff x Fem!readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora