When she looked up, she realised that Fred and George had entered the compartment and were having a chat with Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom and Ron as they cuddled a shaken up Ginny in their big brother arms. 

"The dementor came in here too, didn't it?" Rose asked. The teenagers in the compartment nodded, Ron and Ginny avoiding all the eye contact possible,  telling them all a very detailed story of how it had felt when it had come. Harry had been quiet, which lead Rose to pull him out of the compartment to talk to him in private, where the thirteen year old told Rose all about his encounter with the creature. 

"Screams?" Rose wondered after Harry told her about what he heard. 

"They were odd," he confessed. "Almost familiar." 

"Alright," she nodded, putting her hand in his shoulder and guiding him inside his cart once more. "Get changed, we'll be reaching Hogwarts in no time. Fred? George? I have to go to the prefect's meeting, alright?" 

"Oh, you got prefect, that's wonderful!" Hermione cheered, not reading the room. "Right, not the time." 

"Thank you, Hermione," Rose smiled. 

"Go on, Ro, we're alright in here," Fred assured the red head before she took a deep breath and left for her meeting. 

• • •

"That is all for now, Prefects," Percy Weasley, Head Boy, said promptly as he wrapped us his parchment. "You may begin with your rounds with your new inter-house program. All of you have been assigned a partner and you can find out who it is by reading your personalised Prefect handbook that had been owled to you along with your prefect's badge. Rose, may I speak to you for a moment?" 

As Penelope Clearwater, the Head Girl and Percy's girlfriend answered everyone else's question, Rose approached Percy with a tired smile on her lips. 

"You're doing amazing, Perce," she said in all her honestly. 

"Well, thank you very much, Rosalind," he smiled, before clearing his throat and squaring his  shoulders. He sighed and spoke, "Rose, as you might already be aware many of your fellow prefects and classmates have the idea that you might only have been choose as prefect because of who you are. I want you to know that the decision made by Dumbledore and advised by myself and Penelope had nothing to do with your last name." 

"I know that, Percy," Rose said. "And yes, I am aware of their thoughts. I am moved to prove them wrong, of course." 

"I know you will," Percy rushed out, "however, had you had a chance to flip through your handbook?" 

"I have not," she admitted. "I wasn't keen on the idea of having my mind in school work all through out the holidays." 

"Well, you might want to look at it now," Percy suggested before dismissing everyone to their respective partners and rounds. 

Rose cocked up an eyebrow and opened her handbook once she was out in the corridor of the train, they would arrive to the Hogsmeade station in less than ten minutes, which meant that she would most probably have to do rounds that night after curfew. 

She opened the handbook in the section titled 'Rounds and Inter-house companions', she did not have to go far into the book to realise who her partner was, in that moment, she did not know what or who she had expected before. Percy's words bounced in her brain, 'you might want to look at it now,' he had said that with a sense of pity that Rose could only place at that moment because written in bold black ink, the name Adrian Pucey was spelt. 

"Fan-bloody-tastic," she mumbled to herself as she restrained the urge to punch a wall. 

• • •

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