I got so lost I don't notice Wanda enter the room, not until she wraps her arms around my waist, her head resting between my shoulder blades as her hands creep under my shirt resting on my bare stomach. She lets out a small hum when I place one of my hands on hers intertwining our fingers as my other hand moves the pan so the pancake mix doesn't stick. 

"It looks really good." I hear Wanda mumble against my back.

"I bet they taste good too. Do you want to add any fruit to them or chocolate chips?" I feel her move her head to come under my arm, that's not doing anything but holding her hand, so I lift it up and over her head, resting it on her shoulder. 

She looks into the pan, watching my every move while I cook the pancakes. She releases me from her grip, heading over to the fridge to grab some blueberries, eating a couple as she makes her way back to me. Wanda stands to the side of me resting her back against the counter so she can see my face and I can see hers. She then grabs a single blueberry between her index finger and thumb holding it up to my mouth, so I open my mouth slightly as she playfully throws it onto my tongue. She does that a couple more times before grabbing the remainder, which is a small handful, and pours them into the pancake mix. 

I give the mix and berries a quick stir before letting it settle into the pan so I can flip it in a few seconds. When I deem it cooked enough on one side I give Wanda a look that says 'watch this' as I take the pan of the heat slowly moving it forward and backwards to loosen the pancake. In one quick movement I flip the pancake high enough in the air so I can spin around and catch it without moving my arm downwards. I place the pan back on the heat, giving Wanda a small bow for my performance as she gives me a winning smile and a small round of applause.

"That is quite impressive. How long did it take you to learn that?" 

"So, so long and so many ruined pancakes." I laugh as she wraps herself back around me but this time from the front, so I move back slightly so there is no chance of her burning herself on the hob.

"You've cooked me breakfast 2 times now. When can I cook for you?" She rests her chin on my sternum as she looks up at me.

"Well whenever you and I have time for you to cook. You can cook right? You're not going to poison me?" I joke as she lightly slaps my arm.

"Of course I can cook. I am a single mum of two growing teenage boys, who need proper meals...most of the time." She stands on her tiptoes giving me a small kiss on the underside of my jaw. "Anyway, my boys think my cooking is amazing."

"They are your boys, they have to say that." 

"Excuse you. When you come around to eat my cooking and want seconds you won't be saying that!" She acts offended but I can see it's all in jest.

"Okay. Well we have our lunch date tomorrow, I am busy Wednesday night but not during the day. Same with Thursday and Friday but I am not working for the weekend." I give her the days I can work with to see if anything lines up.

"Well it looks like I am going to cook for you on Saturday, which is soooo far away but at least I can plan something that will blow your mind." I look down at her, Wanda's chin still resting on my chest, giving her a small smile and leaning down. 

Our lips meeting in the middle, it's a slow kiss that we both enjoy as we both smile into it breaking apart. I look behind her to the pancake and decide it's ready, so take it off the heat and slide it from the pan onto the plate and gesture for Wanda to take it and eat while I make mine. Instead of going to sit down at the table she jumps up onto the side so she can watch me cook mine while she enjoys hers.

I take a banana from the fruit basket, peeling back the skin and cutting it into small slices ready to chuck into the pancake mix. I can feel Wanda's attention on me, her eyes following my every move- apart from when she looks down to take a bite of pancake- as I move around the kitchen like it's my own. 

"I like this." Wanda states out of nowhere as I pour the now mixed contents from the jug into the already hot pan the mix sizzles as it heats up.

"You like what princess?" I don't take my eyes off the pan, afraid if I was to look in her eyes I wouldn't look away. I would end up burning my pancakes...burnt pancakes are not nice.

"The morning bliss." I let out a small 'oh'. 

"So this is a blissful morning for you?" 

"It is. I mean I feel very relaxed, I'm not stressed about anything and I have a very beautiful woman in my kitchen who can cook the most amazing pancakes. I mean these are amazing. What's your secret?" She covers her mouth as she talks, as she is still chewing on some pancake.

"Well I'm glad to be of assistance in creating the bliss for you. I mean why would I not cook for someone as beautiful as you." She taps her foot against my hip in protest.

"Hey, no using my own compliment against me. Now what's your secret?" She pokes her tongue out at me as I swat her foot with my free hand.

"My secret?" I raise my eyebrow playfully as I take a step back flipping the pancake the same way I did before as Wanda shakes her head at my antics. "Well my secret is for me to know and for you, well, it's for me to know." I hear Wanda scoff.

"I will get that secret out of you one day."

"Yeah one day, maybe never." I laugh as she scowls at me so I stick my tongue out at her which makes her stick hers out in return. 

I take the pan of the heat, before making sure to turn the hob off and transfer my banana pancake onto my plate and take a seat on the opposite counter to Wanda so we can see each other. Wanda finishes off her pancake, gently sliding off the counter; making her way to the sink before dumping her plate into it. She makes her way over to me, slotting her body between my legs facing me and placing her arms either side of my legs to rest on the counter. I continue to eat away at my pancake as she quietly observes me, her eyes following the movement of the fork from the plate to my mouth and sometimes traveling to look at my eyes before back down to the fork. 

"What are you staring at?" I turn her question on her, she smiles up at me and I already know the answer she has lined up before she says it.

"Not staring. I'm admiring." She opens her mouth slightly and it takes me a couple seconds to register what she wants. Once I know what she is after I take a bit of my pancake making sure there is some banana in the piece and gently place the fork into Wanda's mouth. She closes her mouth around the fork, humming against it as I slowly slide it out before stabbing s other bit of pancake and feeding myself. 

"This is really good dorogoy. You should make pancakes more often." I place my now empty plate on the counter next to me, wrapping my arms around Wanda's neck as I bring her closer to me.

I lean down slightly resting my forehead against hers, her green eyes moving left to right as she looks at mine. I smile at her before pecking her nose.

"Maybe I will princess." I hear Wanda let out a content sigh before she pecks my lips a few times.

"Morning bliss." She whispers against my lips and I peck her lips one more time.

"Morning bliss."
Word Count: 2189

Just Us - Wanda Maximoff x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now