Chapter one

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October 2006

Scarlett's POV

I sat waiting for this little test to tell me my future which I find very dumb. This little test that is going to change the rest of my life, and not just mine but his too. Him being Chris my best friend the man who I fell for but I can't dwell on that right now. Mainly because he's pacing in my bedroom and I feel like getting up and kicking him in the well you get what I mean, to say I'm stressed is an understatement. " can you stop pacing for.. 30 more seconds" I said as I checked the timer. " I'm sorry I can't sit I pace when I'm nervous. I also pee but it doesn't help you have one bathroom and you're sat on the only toilet here" Chris sighed. I get he's scared I am too and then the sound came of the timer and Chris walked in we both took a breath and looked at the test.

February 2004

Chris POV

We find out the gender of our little one today these past couple of months have been let's say interesting. We both agreed that we would keep the baby we wanted to try and be there for this child at least give it a go we're young but we have to give it a go. Scarlett and I are in the doctors office waiting for the midwife to walk in, we're currently in England for our movie and when she has the baby we're probably still going to be here.

Scarlett POV

The midwife walked in and I was relieved because I really needed to pee and Chris had to get back to filming soon. " hi there miss Johansson and mr Evans let's take a look at the little one shall we" the midwife said " yes please I just want the baby to be healthy" she put the cold gel on my belly and then told me I'd feel pressure. What I didn't expect was to feel Chris hold my hand I squeezed his hand to reassure him because I know even though he won't admit it he wants a boy. Or as he would say his 'little man'. I want a little girl but I wouldn't admit that because again aslong as there healthy.

The midwife then said something that I was not expecting to hear " congratulations both heartbeats are strong and they both seem to be on target would you like to know there genders?" "Both!?" "there!?" Me and Chris said at the same time. " we're you not aware you were having twins?" The midwife asked. " no I was not aware why was this never mentioned" I asked " I'm not sure honestly as I just took over but there are definitely two see" she then pointed at the monitor and I'll be damned there were two babys. " so would you like to know the genders?" I looked at Chris and he smiled and replied " yes we would"

" congrats it looks you have a healthy baby boy and a healthy baby girl" the midwife said. I started to tear up because that was perfect I got my little girl and Chris got his little boy. We couldn't have been happier.

Chris POV
Not only we're we being blessed with two baby's we were getting a little Boy and a little Girl! I was over the moon I never thought I was going to be a dad but this was perfect this was my perfect.

June 2005

Chris POV

Scarlett gave birth. It was something. I'm not the same man. I saw things I can't unsee. But this what's in front of me Scarlett holding our little munchkins this was something I never wanted to unsee. " what are the names of these little ones then" one of the nurses asked.
I looked at the little boy Scarlett had in her hands and said " Harrison James Evans-Johansson"
Scarlett then looked at me and our little princess and said " Rhislett Isla Evans-Johansson" I couldn't have been more happy.

October 2007

Scarlett POV

I was in tears. I had to stay strong, this family we picked were going to give my babies a good life. One we couldn't give them at this moment. Chris and I tried for the last year but the longer it went on we knew we couldn't raise them like they deserved. Twins are hard. Harry was ill for a little bit and it was hard for a while for us Rhis was okay she was a cuddly baby, especially when it came to me she always wanted a cuddle she had gorgeous blue eyes that gave away everything she was feeling to me. I could look into her eyes for the rest of my life. And then there's Harry our little man. He's got these forest green eyes that make you melt. He's definitely a daddy's boy. Pretty sure he always will be but I know he has a soft spot for me so it's okay.
But now we're giving that up.
It's for the best.
We can't be selfish.
That's what I keep telling myself at least.

Chris POV
I didn't want to. I still don't but we have to put them first. I held Rhislett and said " I'll see you again bubs, you're my world and more don't forget that my little one" I kissed her on the head and handed her to Scarlett. I could tell Scarlett was holding back tears when saying good bye to harry but when we swapped I saw a tear roll down her check I couldn't hear what she said to rhis but I gave my little man a kiss and said " you protect you're little sister and do me proud" and I gave him to the social worker I couldn't look at her because it made it to real. We picked a nice family for them and signed the custody papers over to them.

Scarlett POV
I held my little boy and told him that I would always love him no matter what and that I was always with him. I didn't want to cry but when Chris handed me Rhis I couldn't help the one tear that slipped past me. " I love you my sweet girl and I'll see you soon, I'm so sorry" I kissed her forehead and she smiled at me. I had to do this for her. For them both. Even if it's ripping me apart, I handed her over and and I saw that Harry was already in his car seat. I grabbed Chris's hand and I cried as I saw my world being put into the back of the social workers car. The couple live in England. They will be okay. When the lady drove off I went back inside and that's when I saw it. Rhisey's blanket I ran out trying to stop her but they were gone. I went back inside and I just felt empty. Because without them both I was.


Ahhh that's my first story tell me how I did😩👀
I don't even know if anyone if going to read this but I have a very creative imagination sometimes and I wanted to write them down.
If you want to see anything in future chapters let me know I have a idea of what I want from this story.
Rhis is kinda my main character for this but I will do story's for them all abit further down.
Remember kids drink water and stay safe message me for anything even a quick a hello I reply fast and I want new friends😊

Till the next chapter

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