Mark became surprised. Quirking his brow, he gazed at the young master sceptically. "Will it be alright?"

"Obviously not but if there's anyone who knows about this stuff, it would be Carl. He has access to pieces of information that I don't. I'll just need to create a reason if he asks anything." Royse explains before sipping his tea.

If there's anything that worried Mark, it would be how Royse always rushes straight towards danger. The butler was aware that the young master tended to take a risk so long he gets his goal.

Another thing that added to his worry would be the fact that the people around Royse tended to be quite protective of him. He knew these traits would more or less become an issue between them in the future.

Mark silently sighed. He remembers when he was assigned to this job. He held no expectation and only followed through with his orders.

Needless to say, he was taken by surprise. To think things escalated so quickly. So many things happened and he couldn't believe that the young master would be such a headache. He was adorable at first but if only he knew how stubborn Royse would grow into.

Mark was already busy protecting, signing, cleaning, organizing to the point that he forgot the most important thing.

Distinguishing the hidden spell within the boy.

They didn't know if that spell was the cause of the young master's every collapse. Whichever it was, they needed to find out.

And Mark wasn't strong enough to appraise it.

So much for being a lvl 7 combat mage. This was the first Mark ever had trouble on a job. Whatever was cast upon Royse was something they won't be able to find out, not unless the grand mage returns.

'Just where is that old man hiding off to?!' Mark tsked at the thought and returns his focus on his job.

Royse noticed the sudden irritation that his butler emitted and remained silent, not wanting to add in to the older male's fury.


"Is Carl-senpai here?" Royse asks a student outside the entrance of a classroom.

With a shake of their head, the redhead nods in understanding. He starts walking away, thinking of the places Carl would usually be in.

"If it's him, then most likely he's there." He murmurs.

With a destination in mind, Royse starts heading in that direction. He heads up the staircase and watched the students lessen with each floor he passes.

Finally stopping by a door, he pushes it open. What greeted his sight was the blue sky.

He ventures around the rooftop while calling for his friend.

"Carl, I know you're here." He announces.

A silent breeze wafted by him, fluttering his hair. Closing his eyes, he feels a presence drawing close to him from behind.

With a huff, Royse abruptly turns around, taking the pink-eyed male by surprise.

The older male pouted. "Failed to surprise you again."

Royse brings his hands over his hips. "You do know it would take a while for you to succeed." He grins.

Carl shrugs. "Worth a try though." He walked over to Royse's side. "So, mind if I ask why you were searching for me?"

Transmigration as an Unknown Character! | 僕の妹の大好きな乙女ゲームで, 未知のキャラクターとして移住しました!Where stories live. Discover now