"But I can't do it...everyone expects too much...I'm not smart like you...I'm not strong like Naruto...I'm-"Before Nimato could finish his sentence Minato had placed his hand on top of his son's head.

"You're you and you don't have to be like anyone else...that's all that matters" Minato told Nimato who was shocked for a moment before he looked away in embarrassment this was the first time he had a father telling him stuff like this.

"...How are you even here...Tou-chan?" Nimato questioned and Minato smiled at how Nimato addressed him no matter what circumstances having a son that acknowledged you as their father felt incredible.

"On the night I sealed the Kyuubi in you I incorporated my chakra into the seal so that we could meet and if ever the seal was about to be released I would appear" Minato explained and as he said the explanation it became clear to Minato that the explanation had gone into one ear and through the other with Nimato.

"There was also another reason why I did this...it was to warn you of an oncoming threat" Minato stated while Nimato just looked away in shame.

"Konoha...was already destroyed" Nimato said while Minato just narrowed his eyes the threat he was talking about was way larger than just Konoha.

"Konoha can be rebuilt however the night the Kyuubi was sealed into you I battled against a man with extraordinary powers...he was planning on using the Bijuu for something...something terrible" Minato informed and Nimato could only really think of one person that could be.

"Was it Pain?" Nimato asked however Minato shook his head he'd never forget the sight of the person responsible for his and Kushina's death.

"No...it was a masked man with the ability to make things go through him" Minato said and immediately Nimato's eyes widened as he remembered the masked man both he and Naruto had battled with for a little while.

"What is he planning?" Nimato asked wanting to know the reason why everyone was so keen on getting their hands on the Bijuu.

"I have no idea I'm sorry...however it's not for something good...I sealed the Kyuubi into you hoping one day you could master it's power and fight this man and bring peace to this world" Minato explained to Nimato and the young Jinchuriki bit his lip in frustration.

"How do I bring peace to the world?" Nimato questioned as he noticed his father's form begin to disappear.

"That answer...is for you to find and I'm sure you'll do it however my chakra is fading I only have enough time to tighten the seal goodbye...my son" Minato stated as he touched the seal on Nimato's stomach and all the black liquid that had leaked out previously began to appear into the seal.

"...Thank you Tou-chan" Nimato whispered as Minato disappeared and the next thing he knew everything went black.


Pain watched as the large form of the Kyuubi raged from within the large sphere of earth the power of the Kyuubi was unbelievable. However Pain widened his eyes when the Kyuubi disappeared within a large cloud of smoke.

"What?" Pain questioned confused at what was happening but as soon as he saw Nimato standing on the large earth sphere he was in Sage Mode and looking down ready to fight.

"He was able to control it by will?" Pain wondered watching now as the sphere of earth began to crumble and fall.

Nimato landed on the ground as large pieces of rocks fell all around him. Looking around in confusion Nimato was startled when the small slug summon Tsunade had left him appeared from his jacket.

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