"So was this a one time thing for you? Or if I asked. Can I have your number? would you give it to me?" Huh , what. Does she read minds or something? I turn to look at Wanda who looks sort of nervous. So I hold out my free hand palm facing upwards in front of her. She gives me a quizzical look.

"Pass me your phone." I smile when I see her let out a shaky breath, wow she really was nervous. She quickly hands me her phone, unlocking it. I tried not to pry, because that's rude, but I could help smile at the background picture which was a photo of her and what looked like two teenage boys....wait....she has children? I don't care about the children, no I mean of course I do, but it doesn't bother me. What concerns me is she looks too young to have two teenage boys. Should I ask her about them? I'm going to. No? Yeah? No? Yes? Yes!

"Are those your boys?" I ask as I pass the phone back pointing at the background picture. A look of worry passes over her face, scrunching her eyebrows as her eyes move back and forth looking at the figures in the picture. I move my thumb to press between her brows, which makes them relax but she seems more nervous now than when she asked permission to pleasure me last night, it was cute in all honesty.

"They are yeah." Her voice is uneven, what's got her so shaken up.

"How old are they? If you don't mind me asking." She looks back at the photo of them up at me, still seemingly nervous.

"They are 14. Twins. The one with the blue headband is Billy and the other one, in the blue shirt with the bolt is Tommy. It was Halloween." They make a cute family, I see Wanda dressed all in red with a headdress on.

"Ah and I see you're a Sokovian fortune teller." She seems to visibly relax a lot more. What's going on I wonder?

"Yeah I am, uhm, is it an issue that I have two teenage boys?" So that's what she is worried about, now come to think of it, it didn't even cross my mind when I first heard her say yes to my initial question. Does it bother me? No. Even if they are only 8 years younger than me.

I wonder if Wanda knows roughly how young I am. OH MY GOD SHE IS A MILF! I mean if they are 14, and I'm going to assume she waited until she was out of school at 18 to have children, that would mean she would be 32. 32 at the youngest. But she could be younger if she had them younger.....32! Holy shit! She does not look 32! I thought she was my age! Wait, does she think I'm her age? I mean I do look older than what I am, but I put that down to my maturity, the suits, hair and makeup. Woah okay. Right I need to answer her question, how long have I been in turmoil for.

"Y/n?" I hum and look at her, she seems to have a defeated look on her face. "I get it I do, it's okay."

"Wait what's okay?"

"You went all quiet after I asked about the boys. Most people don't want to start something with someone who has teenage kids." This elevator seems to be going on forever, well I mean I am on the 50th floor, and my parking garage is on like -3 it's going to take a minute. I turn on my heels so I am standing in front of her, so she can see what I am about to say is the whole truth.

Placing my hands on her cheeks I gently stroke her cheeks, getting her to calm down. "Hey. Hey. Listen to me. I didn't answer you because I blanked out, I get lost in my thoughts sometimes. My friends call it inner turmoil, but the proper name is just overthinking due to some things. Anyway. So to answer your question. No it is not a bad thing that you have two teenage boys. Not one issue at all."

"But?" She questions her eyes searching mine for what I don't know.

"But, it was more of a surprise to me that you have teenage boys. I didn't think you were old enough to have two 14 years old boys, unless there is some story behind the fact that you got pregnant at like 13 and are like 27." She lets out a breath she was holding, a small okay leaving her lips. Her head bows slightly in relief, until it flies back up so she can see me again.

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