Chapter forty seven {Mixed pov}

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{Sarahs POV}
The wedding was beautiful. So many people congratulated me on the pregnancy. Tho I'm so happy for Harry and Louis, the birth is getting close... That's the hard part of this whole surrogacy thing... the baby is with you for nine months, but after that you have to let go... I've done this a couple of times.. the first time I gave my baby up for open adoption, because I was way to young to have child. Seeing the joy on the couples face.. the happiness.. it made me feel so happy... but giving her up.. might be the hardest thing I've ever had to do.. I've always held contact with her. She's twelve years old now.. calles me auntie Sarah. Then I had a little boy for a married couple, who couldn't have kids together.     He'll turn 4 years old in a month, about the same time this baby will be born. We decided to not find out the gender until the birth.

I wish I get to have my own baby one day.. one who calls mommy.. not auntie.. but I guess thats just not in it for me, since I dont want to do it alone.

After the wedding Harry and Louis went to a hotel about 40 minutes from home. They decided to postpone the actual honeymoon, because Anne was moving in the next day, and they wanted to stay with me in case something goes wrong.
About two weeks after moving in, Anne found a good appartment five minutes away from our block. She moved in two weeks after signing the papers. The pregnancy is going well. I'm thirty five weeks along now. The baby is moving a lot, day and night. The lads often put their hands on my belly to feel it. They told me I can stay as long as I want after the baby is born... but I don't think I'm going to.. its just too hard. I'll get attached to him or her, and it will just make it all harder....

{Louis POV}

Harry is cuddled up against me on the couch. Were watching the Note Book.... again... Sarah went up about an hour ago. Her belly is getting really big.. the baby is getting closer, and the more I think about it, the more nervous I get.

'Just wanted to see if you were still awake'
'Not for long hun'
'But we are not even halfway through the movie baby'

Harry turns around to face me.
'You know... I'd much rather watch you instead..'
'Oh yea? How's tha- '
'Shhhh' He cuts me of, as he presses a finger to my lips. 'Did you hear that?'
'What?' I whisper.

And then I hear it, soft muffled screams coming from upstairs. Before I even realise it, both me and Harry are sprinting up the stairs

'Harry... Louis! Ahhh'
'Were comming Sarah!'

We run into the room to find Sarah in the fetus position on her bed, grabbing hold of a pillow. There's a big wet spot on the sheets.

'Ahh.. My water broke!' She says inbetween contractions.

For a second I can't move, its like I'm stuck to the ground, but Harry doesn't seem to have a problem, and calmly walkes to the bed.

'shh its okay Sarah, you're okay.. can you walk?'
'No.. hhmpff'
'Right.. Okay Sarah, I'm going to lift you up okay? Louis, get some dry clothes and start the car please.'

Right.. move Louis come on.. I tel myself as I grab some of Sarah's clothes out of her dresser, and then run down to start the car. I also manage to grab some diapers and baby clothes out of the baby's room on the way down.
When I start the car, Harrys already halfway down the last set of stairs. I quickly lay down a towel in the backseat.

'Okay Sarah, Lay down here for me okay, keep breathing.' Harry instructs her as he puts her down on the towel. Then harry gets in the car himself, and I start driving. Its only a seven minute ride.
When we get to the hospital, Harry helps Sarah out of the car, while I get a wheelchair. She sits down and we take her to the main desk.
'She's in labour.. can-'
'Yes I see that, go past that door, and left, you'll be at the right department right away. One of you needs to stay here to fill out the forms.

You are my forever boy {L.S fanfic}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora