Chapter one. {Louis POV.}

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I was devastated.. heartbroken. It's been one year since we found out my mom has cancer... One year since we found out she only had four or five years left. One year since I realised how much she means to me, and how blessed I am to have her as my mum..          

Shes always been here for me.


Ill be here for her now. I'll walk through hell to make her happy in her last years. We bought an apartment two blocks from Londens hospital. So we can get help right away if somethings wrong. I havent ever spoken to my dad.. And I dont need to. My mom called to tell him the news a year ago. He felt guilty for leaving us, and is now paying for medical bills. It's the least he can do.

I hate him! Mums going to die and all he gives is money. No respect. No friendly words. He doesn't show his face. Nothing! Just money. Don't get me wrong... we really do need the money... but still.. its shitty of him to not even call every once in a while.

But we dont need him.

Mum and I have each other.

That's all we need.

' I'm done packing Louis, do you need help?' My mom asks as she walks into my room.
'No I'm done too. You go sit in the car, Ill help the movers with the boxes.'

We never had much stuff. We've been poor our whole lives, so packing only cost us a day. I see the moving truck outside and decide to look around our old apartment one more time'

' goodbye home. Thank you for all my childhood memories. I love it here. I hope i will retur here one day'
I close my eyes, sigh, and then walk out of the front door. I see my mom in the car and go to sit next to her.

'Here we go.' I say.
'Here we go.' She answers.

It's about three and a half hours drive. I'm feeling sad that I'm leaving all my childhood memories behind. But at the same time I'm releaved that we are going to get the best care for my mum. So its okay. She is all worth it.
I curl up and lay my head on my mums lap.

So warm.
So familiar.
So safe.

I fall asleep. The next thing I know is my mum waking me up by softly touching my long hair.
' we're here honey.'
I sit up and see the busy city of London. It's beautiful... but at the same time sad and polluted. Doncaster was very calm and there was a lot of nature. London is different.. not so much green.. but I see some very beautiful buildings.

Our apartment is small, overpriced and very empty. The movers start bringing all our stuf in and within an hour its just us again.
'So this is it.' I say.
'Not so bad right?' She answers.

I hate it. I hate it. I miss home already.
But I'm not telling her that.

So instead I respond with ' I love it! Lets begin unpacking.'

After all our stuff is unpacked and organised it isn't to bad.. its okay actually. ' just keep your head up' I tell myself.

And so my new live begins.

{ so here's the first chapter! Please tell me what you think... I've got a ton of inspiration now, so the next chapters will be up today too!
Lots of love
A xx

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