Chapter thirty-nine {Louis POV}

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The following days consist of doctors coming by every half hour, several scans and tests, Harry asking questions and the boys coming to visit every other day.

'Goodmorning Mr Tomlinson. Mr Styles. I have some unfortunate news I'm afraid..'
'Oh okay, well.. what is it.'
'We got the results back of the last scan. The bones in your legs are pretty messed up. We did the best we could do in surgery.. but it wasn't enough... You will most likely never walk again Louis.. I'm sorry..'
'Do you mean my legs are paralysed?'
'No.. not Paralysed. But because of all the damage, your legs can't take the height anymore. You will probably be able to move them with some physical therapy. But walking is as good as out of the picture.'

Fuck. This can't be happening. It can't be...

'So.... is he then stuck to a wheelchair the rest of his life?' harry askes.
'That's the most convenient option yes. We provide them from here.'
'What do you want Lou?'
'I... ehm... can I make my decision later? I'm a bit ehm...'
'Yes of course mister Tomlinson. For now we will get you a wheelchair. Maybe your fiancé can talk you for a walk? It would be good for you to go get some fresh air.
'So... I can get out of bed?'
'Yes, if you want to. The nurses will help you into the wheelchair. Dont forget that you also have broken ribs, and your chest of bruised all the way. Take it easy okay? Go slow.'
'Yea okay'

The docter walks out and a nurse comes in with a wheelchair.

'Alright Louis, I'm going to help you okay? I need you to observe Harry. So you can help him next time.
'First you need to sit up okay? Try to do it on your own strength, see how much there's left in you.

I crunch, and a very sharp pain shoots trough my body. I could cry right now... but I'm going to do this.
I place my hands under my shoulders, and then push up.
The room goes dark for a moment. Holy mother of god.

'Very good Louis. This is step one. Now you are going to need some help.'
'Are my ribs fixed? Or do I still need surgery?''
'No, there all fixed. I know it hurts.. but the more you do it, the easier it gets. Trust me.
Now... come here harry. Take the wheelchair.'

Harry gives me a concerned look, and places the wheelchair next to the bed.

'I now need you to slowly turn him around, so his legs are hanging over the side of the bed.'

He gently takes my upper and lower body in his big hands and slowly turns me around.

'Oh my god Lou.. you weigh nothing... is this normal?'
'Totally. Remember he has been in a coma for nearly two months. He will gain as soon as his muscle starts to grow again.'
'Did that hurt Lou?'
'A little.. but its okay. I can't feel my legs.. is this normal?'
'Yes for now it is. Feeling should come back within a few days. Now.. Harry I want you to wrap your arm around his waist, and slowly lower him onto the chair okay? This is going to hurt Louis.. are you ready?'
'Uh yea..'

Harry wraps his strong arms around me. He very gently lifts me up but the pain... it unbearable. I let out a cry, and Harry lowers me into the chair.

'I'm so sorry Lou.. you did it.. you're out of bed..'
'Yea.. yea I am... can he take me?'
'Yes you can go.. but only for an hour okay? He need to do more test. Stay calm. Don't waste your strength.'

Harry takes me out for a long walk and we talk about the whole waking thing. I just can't believe it.. Harry keeps ensuring me that it does not change the way he loves me.. I'm happy about that.. but it still stings..

After an hour of talking and walking in the garden, we head back to the hospital.
The same ritual repeats itself for about a week. Go to sleep, get up, eat, get in a wheelchair, Harry pushes me around all day, get back into bed and got to sleep again.
I dont want to admit it.. but its hard.. I just want to go home with Harry..

On the eighth day the doctor walks into my room and informs me my first therapy will be this afternoon.

'Shit... I have to go to work a few hours.. I can cancel if you want me to?' Harry says.
'No its fine. Really. Ill ask Li to come with me.'
'You sure?'
'Yea... can you maybe please help me get into my wheelchair first?
'Yes of course baby.'

An hour later Liam arrives, and I give Harry a goodbye kiss. Li and I decide to take a walk before therapy.

'Li.. I will probably never walk again...'
'What? How do you know?'
'Last week the doctor told me and Harry...'
'Oh god Lou.. I'm so sorry...'
'I feel so bad about the fact that I'm unhappy with it.. I mean.. I could have died Liam... but I didn't... the only thing is that I can never stand on my feet... I feel so ungrateful for being sad about it...'
'You have every right to be sad Lou.. you have been trough a lot..'
'God damn it... how the fuck did this happen Liam? Me and Harry had plans. We are moving. One day we will get kids hopefully...'

It all comes down on me and I can't stop the tears from streaming down my face.

'I want to dance with Harry on our wedding day. I want to carry our kids around when we are having a family day at the park. I want to play football with all of them. I want to lift my babies up when I come home after a long day of work.
But now... now I will be a burden... the reason my kids can't get the house they really love, because my wheelchair doesn't fit trough the door. Because of me our family trips will be limited, because I'm in a fucking wheelchair. I just... fuck sake......I want to dance with Harry.... We cant ever do that again... and it just fucking hurts.'

'Lou.. you don't have to explain.. are you sure you are never going to walk again? Or is it a maybe?'
'It's a most likely.... but when my mom got cancer she was most likely to die. Her medication was most likely not affective... they don't play around Li.. this is my life now..'
'Dont say that Louis.. don't give up without a fair fight.. thats not like you and you know it. C'mon mate.. let me try to help you okay?'
'I don't know yet... but we will start by asking the doctors for facts, instead of possibilities. You might have a chance. Show em hell Lou..'
'I don't want to tell Harry.. don't want to give him false hope..'
'Then don't. You will be okay Lou.. I promise..'

And I really hope he is right... I really fucking hope so.

{so here's chapter thirty-nine. Please vote and maybe leave a comment ;D

all the Love
A xx

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