Chapter thirty-four {Harrys POV}

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I make my way to the hospital early in the morning. It's only 5 am but I need to be with him, even if he can't be with me.

'Morning mr. Styles. If you want you can see him. But he is not awake, he is being monitored 24/7 and please don't touch the machines. They are the only things keeping him alive right now.'
'Yea okay..'

The docter takes me to his room and then leaves.
My hands have never felt so heavy. I place my hand on the doorknob and turn to open. I'm nervous. Scared for how bad it is. But I'm going to be here.

And so i turn the doorknob and walk a few steps before looking at him.

So small. So vulnerable...
There's a big scar across his face. I can see his slow heartbeat on the machine. I can see all kinds of fluid being pumped into him. Just to keep him alive...

I walk over to the bed and kiss his forehead. Then I take a chair and sit nest to the bed laying my head on Louis lap.

'Hey Lou..... I love you. I miss you.. I'm scared.. please just wake up soon... tell me what happened.. Tell me you are okay.... please.. I can't live without you... you know that..
Just... hold on.. please..
I know you can't hear me but... but I'll talk to you. I'll tell you how days go by.. I'll be here every single day... I promise.. I'll hold on for you while you can't okay baby? I know you can do this... you are strong.. you always have been and you always will saved me... you were there for me.. I'll be here for you.. by your side okay?

I'm going to go talk to you're docter.. and maybe call the boys.. they're worried about you.. okay....'

I walk over to the doctors office and knock the on the door.

'Come in?'
'Hi... ehm... I was wanting to know how Louis is doing..... I wanted to know if the chances that he will wake up have increased?'
'Well we can never guarantee someone will wake up from a coma.. especially not in Louis case.. but he seems strong. His organs are all nearly functioning again... its just that his heart is not strong enough to keep it all going by itself... the chances of him waking up is more likely now.. but like I said. No promises. Give it time..mayebe a few weeks..'
'Can he have visitors?'
'Since you are his nearest contact you can come and see him whenever you like. However, other visitors are welcome between three and six.'
'Okay.. thank you..'

I walk into the Hall and call Liam.

'Hey... Is Louis alright?'
'They finished surgery... he is alive but will be in a coma for at least weeks...'
'Oh my god Harry.. are you okay?'
'I don't know. I need Louis.. I'm going to be here with him... I'll wait.. as long as he needs...
You guys can come to see him if you want the docter said... from three to six is visitor o' clock..'
'Yes ofcourse we will come...'
'Will you tell Niall and Zayn?
'Yes mate.. see you in a few hours.'

I get back to Louis room and end up fallling asleep with my head on Louis lap.

'Harry.... Harry? Wake up...'

I open my eyes a bit confused, but then I see Louis and it all comes back.

'Is it three already??'
'Yea you fell asleep man..'
'Did you have a rough night yesterday?'
'Yea... barely closed my eyes.. I can't seem to sleep without him..'
'We understand.. It's okay.'

They stay until six and after that I go to the cafeteria to get myself some food. Although I'm not really Hungry..

I can't go home and sleep there on my own.. so I end up staying the night in a chair by Louis bed.

{ so heres chapter thirty-four. Please vote and comment :D

All the love,
A xx

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