Chapter eight {Harrys POV}

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I wake up with my head on Louis chest. I slept like a baby last night. This is so bizarre.. yesterday I woke up considering suicide, but today... I think I'm in love with Louis. He makes me feel good. He's caring... I want to do something back for him.. I see he is still asleep, so the least I can do is bake him pancakes for breakfast. And I'll make some for Johannah too. She is also so nice for letting a stranger stay in her house, and treating me like family.
I stand up, and realise I'm just wearing my boxers. I dont have clothes here... I see a bathrobe hanging on the door, and I figure its Louis. It's so short haha. Today I should probably go and buy some clean clothes and pyjamas.
I walk into the living room and see that Johannah is already up.

'Goodmorning Johannah!'
'Hey Harry! How did you sleep? I saw you and Harry cuddled up last night? I walked in here and saw that Louis was gone. I looked in his room and saw you too there sleeping peacefully.'
I blush.. she saw me in my boxer, next to Louis.. oh no..
'No need to blush love.. come here will you?'
I go to sit next to Johannah.
'May I ask you a question Harry?'
'Yes ofcourse'
'Well.. I saw you this morning with your head on Louis chest.. and you were smiling. You looked so happy despite the situation.. now listen honey, you don't have to answer the following question but... am I right when I sense there's something between you two?
And I'm not judging. I'll just be very happy for you two if there is.
I don't know what to say.. I want to tell her I like Louis but... will she kick me out? Will she still let me sleep in the same bed as Louis?
'Well.. nothing happened but... eh...
'But what sweetheart? You can tell me. I love Louis and I'll be here for the both of you, no matter what happens.'
'Well... I think I'm in love with Louis..'
I prepare myself for yelling and being kicked out of the house, but instead Johannah smiles and huggs me tight.
'I'm so happy for you Harry.'
'But I dont think he feels the same..I- He- Louis is perfect Johannah.. and I'm messed up..... Louis doesn't even like boys..does he?'
'Oh Honey.. don't say that. You are perfect too. All what you are going through will only make you stronger in the end. I promise. And about Louis his sexuality... that's for him to tell you, but dont worry about it to much okay?'
'Yes hun?'
'Thank you. For everything... for letting me in your home and being here for me'
' you are more than welcome sweetheart'
'I was thinking of making you and Louis some pancakes..its the least I can do. Do you want some'
'Shall we make make them together? As bonding time for the two of us?'
'I'd love that.'
And so Johannah and I started making the pancakes.

{ so here is chapter eight!! What did you think? Also, I saw some people voted, and I didn't know what that meant.. so I looked it up and apparently if you vote, the story gets more popular and will be recommended to more people. So If its not to much trouble... could you please vote at the end of each chapter if you liked it?
That's all for now.. thank you for reading, and the next chapter will be up tonight aswell :)
All the love
A xx

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