Chapter thirty-three {Harrys POV}

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Lou has been gone to long.. the studio is only a ten minute walk.. he has been gone nearly an hour..
I put the food I cooked in the oven to keep it warm, I grab my phone and see that he still hasn't called me back.

Me, 16.34:
Lou? Dinners ready.. are you on your way home yet?

Me, 16.41:
Louis please call me back... I'm getting really worried...

Me, 16.43:
Lou? Please? I'm coming to find you now. I'm worried.

All my messages are undelivered... did his phone die? Did he turn it of? I dont like this...

I grab my coat and keys and start my way to the hospital. There's a traffic jam.. bigger than usual. Probably an accident or something.

I'm halfway there when I see what's causing the traffic jam.. its a horrible sight... there is a lot of blood on the road.. and even tho police officers are trying to clean it up and hide it, its still verry visible.. this was pretty bad.. I wonder if Louis saw what happened on the way were... Oh god let it not be a child. London is way to busy for kids.. and what if some kids saw what happened? They will be traumatised...

I want to walk past the scene and then continue my way to the studio but then something catches my eye.... It's a jacket... thats weird.. Louis has the same one...

It takes me a second to realise that is the coat he was wearing when he left, and I rush over to an officer.

'Young man you can't be here. Please step back'
'Sir please. What happened? Who got hit?'
'A young man.. I think in his twenties? Uhm?? I think we found his wallet.'

He calls a colleague and asks about the wallet. Then she takes a plastic bag from the police car.

'His name is Louis Tomlinson. 20 years old'
'No no no no no. That's my fiancé! Where is he?? Is he alive??'
'I'm so sorry son... I don't know if he is alive... it was pretty bad.. we can give you a ride to the hospital and find out.'
'Y- yes please..'

Im in shock... my Lou.. what happened...he didn't have to cross the street... what the fuck! Not Lou please... is he alive?

'Is he alive?'

'Is he alive?'

It's the question that keeps echoing in my head.... I can't have lost him.. It can't be... no. No I refuse to even think about it..

I get into the police car and they rush me to the hospital. One officer talks to a nurse and then he guides me up to one of the operating rooms. Outside there is a small child and its mum. The woman is tearing and I walk up to her.

'Hello uhm I'm Harry... I'm looking for Louis? Is he in there?'
'Hello Harry.. I'm so sorry...'
'For what?'
'He saved my boy.. my son run up the road and I couldn't stop him.. then Louis run up to him and pushed him on the sidewalk.. but he got hit by a van and now he is in there.... i don't know what they are doing exactly... but they don't think he is going to make it...'

Fuck. No no no no no please no...

'I'm so so sorry..... so sorry.... are you family?'
'I- I- uhm no.. I'm his fiancé..'

'Oh god....oh my god..'

I feel like I am going to pass out. Or at least going to be sick..

'It's eh it's okay.. is your boy okay?'
'Yes he is just fine thanks to Louis...... I will give you my phone number... if you ever need anything.. anything at all.. money... please let me know.. I'm so so so so sorry..'
'Thank you... I'll at least keep you updated on him..'
'Okay... do you need us to stay here with you?'
'No its okay.. go home.. I'll call you.'

The woman wipes her tears and takes her sons Hand and then walks away.

I walk up to the desk
'Excuse me.. is there any news on the patient in that room? Louis Tomlinson?'
'Not much sorry sir.. he has lost a lot of blood and his chances of survival are really low... but the doctor is the only one who can say more... you have to wait until he is done with the surgery.'
'Thank you.. can I ehm.. call some people?'
'Of course'

She hands me a phone and I call Niall Liam and Zayn. Before I can even ask I hear them leave over the phone and I know they're coming.. and so I hang up and wait.

Now that I'm alone; even tho its not for so long; the tears start streaming. I start crying and I can't stop I feel like I am going to chocke. I bury my face in my chest and let myself go.
After a few minutes I feel strong arms around me. Liam has arrived and is now hugging me not saying a word. Then Zayn and Niall arrive and I tell them what I know.

'They don't think he will make it.... I'm going to lose it.. If Lou dies... I can't live without him... he can't die...'

We wait and we wait for what feels like days. It's been 5 hours since Louis has gone into surgery. He is still not out.

'Go home guys.. it's getting late.. I'll keep you updated..'
'Will you be okay?'
'Yea I just need to stay calm..'
'Okay then... call us okay?'

And then I'm alone again...... hours pass.. its been nine hours.. he has been in surgery nine hours.. god...

And then the door opens and the docter walks out.

'Harry Styles?'
'Yes! Me.'
'We finished surgery.. and we did a blood transfusion. He lost a lot of blood and his immune system is failing. He has several broken ribs, both of his legs are broken and he has a severe concussion in his brains... but he is alive. Most people would have past away by now... but he seems strong...'
'So what are the odds of him surviving?'
'He has got about 20 percent... and If he survives then there will be a long road ahead of him. With the recovery and all. Oh and there's one more thing..'
'Well it was a long surgery and when he broke his legs.. he also got infertile.. he can't have kids ever...'
'Oh... thats... at least he is alive..'
'He is in a deep coma and we dont expect him to wake up soon...'
'What do you mean? What are we talking about..?'
'At least weeks... mayebe even a year..'
'I- I- I need to sit down...'
'We suggest you go home mr. Styles. If you come back in the morning you can see him.

I go home and I'm feeling numb.... Louis will probably not pull through... and if he does.. he will be in a coma for weeks.. and have years of revalidation... he can't have kids... oh jezus.....

I get home and go straight to bed, but I can't sleep. The bed Is cold.. I'm alone in Our bed... Louis should be asleep against my chest right now.. I should be holding him.. protecting him.... I promise I would.. I promise I would protect him....

I start crying

I couldn't keep my promise and now he is there... in that hospital where there are metal plates all in his body... where he is on all kinds of meds and where he is on the edge of dying...

I count the hours.. but eventually cry myself to sleep cold and missing Lou.

{so.. chapter thirty three.....
stay safe
All the love
A xx

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